Thursday, January 7, 2010

I did it!

If you don't use it, why keep it?
I never liked Facebook so I'm not sad. It's an early spring clean & it feels good! :)


  1. I closed my personal FB account months ago and didn't regret it one bit :)

    The professional site I tried out for a couple of weeks and closed as well :)

    It feels good I'm telling ya

  2. I've been thinking about doing the same thing. Not sure why Facebook doesn't grab me. I do like being able to see pics from other family members though. Maybe I'll ride it out a bit longer. Congrats to you for your decision!! :)

  3. Congrats! I did it too several month ago.

    Happy new year btw! :)

  4. Good for you! I have a personal account, which I use for sharing photos and catching up with friends far away. My other account just collects "friends" I've never heard of (or they for me)...

  5. wow, I never even thought of turning it off! I am impressed at your strength and commitment. I could never get rid of my personal or business one. Not because I rate them, you understand, I actually totally agree with you, but because I am weak...

  6. Neither did I like the FB, I will do it soon too!

  7. Congratulations...I deleted mine not long ago....very refreshing!!

  8. I so agree!
    I also quit mine a long time ago...
    I feel more at peace now..
    I survive not getting silly updates from people who I haven't know for 10 years - or wish I had not known;)

  9. Congrats! I did the same thing a couple of months ago. I already spend too much time on the internet as it is!

  10. Good for you!! Congrats,
    I think it will always take time to check all these pages...... and being at the internet is soo addictive already, hihihi

  11. I've always been opposed to facebook.

    I had to get it for work though (strange!). I never want to be the facebook creep so I have no friends ahaha

    Anti-facebook club!

  12. LOL!
    I hate Facebook! what an inspiration you are!
    now you don't have to worry about friending and nudging and about offending those who you don't friend and don't nudge....

  13. I love facebook :) But sometimes I use it daily and sometimes monthly :) I have a dutch account on hyves... I'm thinking of deleting that one :S

  14. Add me to the list... thanks for the lead. FB's been merely a nagging in the back of my mind, and it's no longer there!

  15. I should think about it also, I don't really use it... Good for you!

  16. Good for you! FB, or 'Fecebook' as I like to call it, has actually been a source of a lot of unwanted drama for me. I first joined in the Fall of 2007, at the urging of a co-worker, but quit in July of 2008.

    One of my so-called 'friends' actually accused me of being anti-social, of trying to disconnect myself from people and from life... For me, it boiled down to:

    1. Most if not all of your 'friends' are far from. If they weren't simply co-workers or people I knew from high school, they were 'frenemies.'

    2. Things that happen on FB are not 'real' or are extremely exaggerated versions of reality.

    3. I wanted to live in the real world, with real people, with all of the good and the bad: the real friendships and relationships and even the real rejections.

    Of the people I really care about, they know my email address, my phone number, and my home address. They know where to reach me and I'll always be there.

    I may not have 6,475 or whatever 'friends' but lately, I value the real, true ones more.


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