Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Before and after

I had an appointment at the hairdresser today.
From two tiny pigtales to a real grown-up 'coupe'.
How's that for a change? :)


  1. From a student girl to a business lady :o) But you look great either ways!!

  2. LOL, as glas said - you look great either ways!!!

  3. Wow Misty, you look so lovely!
    Looks like you found your "corporate identity! ;)

  4. WOW, just after you were saying you weren't ready to post photos! Congrats - great hairstyle(s)! You look almost... giddy! ;o)

  5. Hola hola!
    aww love the changes! when I was teenager I always loved to make me changes in my hair!
    You looks beautiful! nice to see you!

    ps: thanks for explaind what means GIDDY, I gonna put it on my englsh vocabulary as well!

    ps2: now your blog, everything that I can read is in other language, your first language I think... well I'll choose "bijnaam"= alias? hahaha it is fun!

  6. Cute! You look familar somehow - this is the first time I get to see what you look like. It's nice to see the sweet face of the sweet person I am getting to know!

  7. Ok another try.

    Really nice to see your face and hair too!

    I don't remember exactly what I wrote yesterday, but I'm sure it wasn't so mature content as you might think ;)

    You look very cute with your new hair and I like your old hair too. But what I like most is your lovely, cute smile :)

  8. you look so sweeet :) !!
    i very much like your new hairstyle, it's like, i don't know, you somehow look more shining!

  9. Very swish haircut! the first one just looks like you've been busy doing crafty things! :D

    You've reminded me I need a haircut, i'm sure it was December since I last had one!!! Hairdressers always tell me off for not going very often... it's so expensive!


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