Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Flickr favorites

1. It is a rare thing when you can hold all of the mysteries of the world in your hand and know that all together they weigh less than a feather, 2. childhood hug vase, 3. Every winner has scars (365/305), 4. beach pattern

This weeks pictures are almost all part of my favorites. Either they attracted me because of their title, texture or story. I love it how pictures can tell a story. Make sure to look at the picture of JenniPenni with the scars on her back & read the story. I love JenniPenni's photostream: it's well thought, unique and always amazing.
What storry tells your mosaic this week?

If you like to play this week, make your mosaic and add a link to your blog or Flickr in Mister Linky (click on the button below and fill in your name with the link to your blogpost or Flickr picture). I'll pop over to have a look at yours. Can't wait to see your creations and find new favorites! :)


  1. Hello Mitsy, wow, great collage. The JenniPenni photo is stunning, and I really appreciate the story behind the picture.
    Anyway I've just published my flickr favorites and linked it to yours.
    Have a wonderful week, Giusy

  2. Gorgeous mosaic, a bit dramatic this weeks :)
    Mine is posted too :)

  3. Oh, wonderful mosaic. This week I was really touched.
    I've just posted mine!!

  4. Hoi, ik heb op mijn blog een link naar de jouwe gezet. Vond dat je daar wel een plaatsje verdiende ; )

  5. Your mosaics always come together so nicely around the theme you've selected.

    My mosaic this week is based on my working with Inger's flower tutorial.

  6. So beautiful!

    I posted mine too! :)

  7. I love all the textures of your mosaic. Curated with an artistic eye. ;)

  8. Intriguing textures! Me playing too:)

  9. That scar one is quite something!

    I've added my link, thank you. Also, I passed all my exams, despite spending more time browsing everyone's Flickr Faves than studying, haha! :D

  10. so beautiful, and they all happen to describe how I've been feeling over the last week or so....


  11. lovely choices! I am in too :)



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