Friday, November 20, 2009

Secret Santa wants to know...

... if you like practical or whimiscal things...

OK, most people on our team did not understand the question right as most of them answered: 'both'. Hey guys, that was not a choice! ;)
All items below found via Etsy
One click on the picture will bring you to the listing! :)
Then, most people prefere practical things...And some peeps just love whimsical items...Secret Santa is a game played by the European Streetteam on Etsy. The idea behind the Secret Santa is that you make something for a teammember and also receive a gift yourself.
Since I try to organise the game for our team, I get a lovely reward: reading all the questionnaires and knowing all the teammember's secrets! :)
What I also know is that lots of people of the team would like to read them all too... That's why I share part of the answers on the questions in my blog. And even though it's anonymous, it's still fun to read what other people wrote... Hope you enjoyed to have a peek in our team.


  1. Great stuff in here! :)
    Loved the matryoshka stamps :)

  2. I was an Optician for five years. I LOVE the very first pillow. Where would I get one???

  3. You have found some super pictures as always!!!!

  4. mmmmm..Okey, what was the question with other words?

  5. Dear Mitsy!

    Thank you so very much for this post!
    It's so much fun to read them, always!!!

  6. I love these choice posts for the European Street Team... even when they can't choose they're fun! :) K

  7. Holy cow! What a pleasant surprise to find my poufik here! Thanks Mitsy!

  8. I couldn't remember my answer Mitsy:)

  9. Hi Misty!!! I have learned a lot everything you show!!! :O)

  10. It's really great to see my "King who is looking for his horse" being a part of this beautiful company...A big smile from Greece... :)

  11. another great post!
    i said practical! i am about ready to ship my gift, i was waiting for dec 1st for it to be officially xmas season!


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