Art - Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature. The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty, specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium. Mind - The human consciousness that originates in the brain and is manifested especially in thought, perception, emotion, will, memory, and imagination.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wanted: guest bloggers
I try to blog daily. I like blogging. No doubt about that.
You wonder why?
The fact that the things that keep me busy on a daily basis, are all in one place.
A place where I can 'keep' stuff and 'share' stuff.
A place where everyone is welcome.
Even without knocking.
Blogging has been a learning curve.
I've learned to enjoy making pictures and stories to share.
I've learned that sharing gives joy.
I've learned that joy makes me look at things from a different angle.
I love to look at things from a different angle.
I also love the support from all of you who read this blog.
I appreciate the comments, opinions and feedback.
Be it anonymous or not.
I feel good vibes coming from this place.
It makes me jippety jappety happy.
It would not be the same without those vibes and they are coming from you so, thank you!
I sometimes wonder what this blog would look like if it was written by my readers.
I'd like to know so let's try, OK?
If you are interested in writing a guest blog post, please contact me via e-mail:
I'll send you an invite and some guidelines to 'blog@ArtMind' so you can prepare your post.
I'll copy/paste it in my blog on the next 'free' blog day.
I'm not setting a certain 'guest-blog-day'.
Just whenever someone feels like sharing something.
'cause nothing beats an unexpected surprise.
I'm open to any ideas.
Be it an image you want to share.
Or perhaps something crafty you're working on.
A recipe that you think everyone should try.
Your worst nightmare.
Your favorite poem.
Your most cherished book.
Or just random, happy thoughts.
I'm so excited about this.
I hope you are too.
Note about the guestblogging after reading the comments and feedback:
The idea is to try and post one guest post per week, sometimes two, depending on my own blogging schedule.
I have no means of letting this blog become a guest bloggers-blog.
I will continue posting my own work in progress, flickr favorites, my creative space, crochet doodles, merry-go-round-posts, happy stats,...
I merely want to give readers a chance to post something they would like to share on here.
So, on a blog day, that I have not planned a post, I'll post a guest post.
I'd like to give back to the blogging community as I have received so much from it.
I hope this works and that you will all enjoy reading what the guest-blogger 'on duty' comes up with.
I'm sure you will get to know a lot of awesome people this way.
That's a promise!
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