Monday, September 13, 2010

I spy with my eye...

Something yellow...
It's a huge bathtub duck.
It's designed by Florentijn Hofman and has returned back to our city after it was vandalised while being on tour through the province. They deconstructed the heavy vandalised duck and designer Michaƫl Verheyden made handbags from the pieces.
A new and more sturdy duck was made and is now back at the yachting area in our town.
The big duck will stay in it's spot until the 10th of October so if you're in the area and want to smile, don't hesitate to pass by the kanaalkom - you can't miss it! :)
Oh, and it's ony a hop, skip & jump away from the fashionmuseum. The fair there yesterday went really well. It was superbusy and I was supertired at the end of the day. I didn't take any pictures this time & I didn't even have time to browse the stands as I was alone and couldn't abandon my table.

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