Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Welcome to the world little wonder!

Julie came into this world on Tuesday, 31th of July at 2:26pm.
She weighs 2760grams and measures 48cm.
Our hearts are bursting of LOVE.
Delivery was induced, without epidural, painful but reasonably quick (6 hours of labor).
We're over the moon with our little wonder!
I'm having troubles uploading an image of her on our Ipad but will soon show you how pretty she is!
Just didn't want to keep you in suspense any longer...

'till soon!


  1. Welcome sweet Julie! Congratulations Mitsy & husband with the birth of your daugther! Veel geluk met z'n 3-tjes! xoxox

  2. congratulation to you and your DH! Welcome Julie, I know she is a little wonder and she need all your love!!


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