Femputer likes LaPomme's definition of gooblies.
Missbeheaven is too tired to think, but agrees with LaPomme and thinks this is a pretty list.
Gooblies make Ingermaaike go all sweet and goey inside.
HeliS thinks it means 'goodbies' to her money and she loves little Rosalita. It gooblies her a lot! (Maybe 'goobling' is a verb?)
EmmaPardos loves this colorcombination. Maybe it's a color?
Dlkdesigns thinks it has something to do with 'adoration'
MagicIsland wants to know the meaning too...
MundoGuminola believes it has something to do with falling in love.
StaroftheEast thinks that gooblies make your heart go faster and makes you get all warm inside. Joombeam thinks it has something to do with re-uniting.
SingingSilverSparrow is the 'GOOBLIES'-wordcreator.
She checked and double checked the ancient dictionary covered in dust and came up with the following: It's of a Greek descent, in the time of Cholera, where love and excitement come together in your stomach and cause baby bubbles full of 'whoo hoo' to explode in your stomach. This is the formal definition...
I'm certain SingingSilverSparrow is liking a lot of other choices in this list... :)
Kreativlink has found a meaning in the urban dictionary I don't think many people relate gooblies with this definition though...
XbyLeinaNeima is waiting for 'gooblies' to appear!
RunAliceRun love's SingingSilverSparrow's definition.
DearDodo hopes the squid will make make nice baby gooblies.
Glasfaden thinks that gooblies are sweet, cute, delicate and adorable.
Orangeyblossoms is about to get gooblies from the red apples...
Panyzsuzsi thinks gooblies are cuties.
Luckyduckdesigns likes to be among the gooblies.
Susarto fell in love with the word gooblies.
Bamboovillagepress wants to gobble up on every item in this list and loves the ridiculous cute pig.
Lusitania gets gooblies from Tito.
Twolefthands uses the word 'gooblies' everyday and loves to tease her grandchildren with pinching them gooblies.
4thGenFiberArt's family members often say 'gime oodles' which does sound alike, but I think they want something else...
MonicaJ is having difficulties with being away from all her treasury friends - she's missing all the gooblies that she usually gets when she is looking at and making them...
Paperflowergirl nearly missed seeing this gooblies-treasury
annarubyking has a real clever explanation. She believes it's a medical term from the 1800's. It used to be an ailment pertaining to nodulus in the larynx that become inflamed (as the color of this list shows) and making it difficult to speak, leaving the patient onl be able to say things like 'gooble' and 'beeblee' and 'ughl'