Uh oh, am I in trouble for not getting much to show this week?
I have had a very hectic week so only got one of the two 12 round squares done of
The Babette blanket I'm making.
I hope to show the second square one next week. :)

Since I thought it was so little to show you, I decided yesterday evening to wip up something fast and fun. I'm subscribed to
Lion Brand's newsletter. It arrives every friday and it has lots of fun links to patterns and projects. Last friday,
this chrysanthemum flower was the crochet flower of the week. It looked like fun to make so I gave it a go.
I decided to use the sugar 'n cream yarn that my friend
Stephanie sent me just because...

I'll make a brooch out of this and if you like to receive it, please leave a message. I'll pick one lucky person in my next saturday crochet post. :)