Monday, July 6, 2009

About chili beans and raw glaze materials...

What do chili beans and raw glaze materials have in common?
Well, I use the empty chili beans jars to put my raw glaze materials in. I still don't have enough so we're looking forward to eating more chili in the future. I don't mind as I love chili! :)Finally I took the time to put lots of raw glaze materials in plastic containers or glass jars. It makes it a lot easier to mix glazes. I need to buy a scale that can weigh very tiny amounts of oxides, carbonate or silicate soon as I can't wait to finally start mixing my own glazes & experiment.


  1. I think that jar of beans is for inspiration--am I right? :-)

  2. I hoped for some crazy experiments that include chili beans and clay... ;)

  3. be careful when you are cooking do not use other jars like salt together with beans jar :))

  4. And here I was thinking about imitation chili beans made of clay... :)
    (sorry, wasn't logged in right previously)

  5. personally I would use jars of nutella, but it's your choice ; )

  6. Just don't pick the wrong jar and mix in beans with the rest! Or, maybe you should...? Proper experimenting takes crazy ideas... ;)

  7. I do the same thing with spinach jars (and pesto jars for spices) :-D

  8. Can't wait to see what new experiments will take place with your new glaze materials!
    I love chili as well. If we lived a little closer I would give you my jars! :)

  9. that looks like so much fun for the future!!!!! Chili con carne...mmmmmmmmmmmmmyum!

  10. Everything is so organized! That by itself is inspiration to me :-)

  11. mmmm...Chili.... ;)
    Everything looks very organized!

  12. Whoa... Ms. Alchemy, this sounds like fuuunnnn.

    Got a giggle out of reading this too, since it reminded me of when I visited friends of my parents' once. In their basement was a workshop, and screwed into the rafters of the ceiling were HUGE tubs of screws, nails, and other odds and ends. The tubs used to be full of... peanut butter! I've still, to this day, never seen a full tub of PB that size.

  13. GOOD LUCK WITH EXPERIMENTING! and with eating all the beans, Mitsy:-)

  14. Hallo,

    Als je geïnteresseerd bent, ik heb een weegschaal ter overname. Uit mijn hoofd met een precisie van een tiende gram maar om het zeker te weten zou ik hem even moeten zoeken. Laat het me maar weten.


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