Saturday, July 4, 2009

Crochet inspiration

Since lack of time is keeping me from crocheting lately, I would love to share some crochet inspiration I found on Flickr & Etsy.

I have been intrigued by all forms of crochet that are related to coral reef and shapes.
The dream to crochet them myself and transform them into porcelain clay still plays around in my head so I would love you to meet these fantastic artists:

The work of Gooseflesh is the most amazing I've seen around, ever! It's so detailed and it's amazing and inspiring. Helle leaves me often in awe with her photostream & I think she is one of my favorite contacts on Flickr. My heart jumps when I see she has posted new work! :)
This corkscrew crochet is made by Quoin. If you haven't already added her to your Flickr contacts, I think you should! She has a very colorful photostream & does lovely work.
If you click on this picture below, it will bring you to a you tube video she made where she shows you how to crochet these corkscrews! I can't wait to try it! :)
When I found the work of Sophie Buckleberry a few months ago, I immediately added her to my contacts. Unfortunately she doesn't update her Flickr stream regularly but I still think that her crochet work is an inspiration.
OK, these amugurumi creatures are not exactly coral reef looking but I believe they do live in the deep blue sea. Melissa Sue makes the most amazing crochet creatures & I love 'em to pieces!
She has a wonderful shop on Etsy & her Amugurumi portfolio is great fun to look at.
Aren't these artists not just super?


  1. Wonderful works and great inspiration!!

  2. Those are very inspiring indeed! Once I have some free time I want to play around with reefy, anemone-y forms too. :) (Yeah, I'm making up words again. It's fun!)

  3. You have found really great works of art! Thank you so much for sharing!

  4. Ooh I love the last photo! But all are interesting & unique & inspiring, thanks! x

  5. I love them (especially the first one)

    A while ago I was talking to a colleague of mine we talked about transforming knitted/crochet things into a more durable material with the 3D printer.

    Have you ever heard about the 3D printer? That's a real cool thing and probably your crochet things would last ;)

  6. i can't crochet to save myself so i take my hat off to anyone that can! these are all amazing finds I especially love the first one .. how INCREDIBLE is that?!!!

  7. That first one is marvelous!

  8. Amazing! I love the first one and the last is just too cute!

  9. Some pretty wild and interesting examples you've shown us--thank you!

  10. Those are really amazing. If only one day my crochet skills are the same as these lovely people.

    Have you seen this ladies work?

    I found her awhile ago - amazing.

  11. I love her work too... that first photo is wonderful. Amazing. Beautiful.

  12. Wow, these are fantastic artists.
    I had to look twice at goosefleshes picture to see it was indeed crochet. Great finds!

  13. They are all fantastic - I especially love the first artist, just amazing!


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