Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Flickr favorites

1. Energy in Bananas, 2. sunflower, 3. ...making bathtime lots of fun..., 4. Brain Fuel

After the recent hot weather, my pace got a little slow and I need some new energy to keep going. This mosaic started with the little duck taking a refreshing bath! I combined the yellow and blue in the multicolor search lab and found these fun fruit labels! Haha, they made me smile and somehow I think I need to eat some of those bananas to fuel my brain! LOL :)

If you like to play this week, make your mosaic and add a link to your blog or Flickr in Mister Linky (click on the button below and fill in your name with the link to your blogpost or Flickr picture). I'll pop over to have a look at yours. Can't wait to see your creations and find new favorites! :)


  1. Hey, how cool :) a sunflower *hehe*

    Looks very energetic, your favorite mix :)

    Have a nice day *mwah*

  2. Now that is a great sight to wake up to!

  3. Those banana stickers are fun :)
    Posted mine too!

  4. so much yellowy-summer fun!

    Done mine!

  5. Loving the yellow & blue, just gorgeous!

  6. This is so fun and energizing! Makes me want to paint my entire apartment in yellow.

    Hope you got a burst of energy and you're back to creating non-stop. he he

    Have a great day!!!!

  7. Oh!! :) that's fun!!
    Just posted mine too.

  8. great mosaic !

    Mister Linky is not working for me; here's my mosaic: http://www.flickr.com/photos/9101911@N06/3722678155/

  9. Thanks for the energy Mitsy, that's what I need now!

    Mr. Linky is acting up, here's my link:


  10. I've got a thing for rubber ducks (my daughter doesn't bathe without them), sunflowers (yay! Flowering on my balcony right now! AND making a wedding album with an appliqued sunflower) and bananas (just baked banana bread) too!


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