Monday, August 17, 2009

Craftparking was FANTASTIC!

I have been wishing for a long time to write a title like that and I'm so glad I can do that now! Time to finally show off all the hard work from the last few weeks! The location was way out of the city in an old factory and at first I thought 'not many people will make the journey to visit' but boy was I wrong! In the old factory, lots of cultural happenings were taking place for the summerfestival and it was happy busy.
The girls who organised this, Moon & Jasmijn, just have been wonderful. Apparently prior to the fair, they walked their feet off to distribute flyers and made promotion like hell!
It was supposed to start at 1pm but at 12am people were already starting to come in & it didn't stop until very late on the day. Really busy & an amazing atmosphere.

As you all know, lots of European Streetteam friends from Etsy were going to be on the fair. And that really was the most amazing thing for me: meet everyone and realise that I 'knew' them even though we never met before! It's hard to explain how virtual friendships can be so close. Wow, such a nice feeling!
Since I didn't have much time to visit the stands, I asked my friend Veerle who came with me to help me out on the stand, to go around and take some pictures for me.
Come talk a walk around the fair & meet my friends...
Maria & her husband Jim from LeelaBijoux
Vanessa (pet buyer on Etsy & Kerrin's friend), Kerrin from Sigmosaics and Nicole from Babongo & Babongohome.
Veerle from NevousinstallezpasKarla from Karlita
Ahum, Nathalie from Dinafragola is shopping obviously... ;)
Myrte from Mirthquake
Maartje from Mamutopia
Ina from DeerLola
Kim from Viltalakim
Petronella from Kraplap
(sorry, unfortunately no picture of Peggy, the little cute dog)
Greet from Fleurfatale
Mitsy from ArtMind
(I got that brooch from one of my blogreaders - supercute and nice - thank you purplerabbit)
Personally, it was the first time ever that I showed my work to the public and it was very exciting and fun to talk and explain the '99-feelings' project.
People were very much taken by it and it felt good to get this token of appreciation! Wow, still blushing here! ;)
Here you can see how my stand looked in the end... I didn't paint the wooden boxes but I hung the wall art on them. Looked nice I think! :)

Nicole from Babongo & Mitsy from ArtMind
In the evening we went to the restaurant together.
Ready for dinner, chatting and relaxing...
It was then that we gave Kerrin's goodbye gift. If you have not read the post about the secret suitcase, than you probably don't know what this is about so go and read it first! ;)
Kim's beautiful girls, Janna & Meg with the secret suitcase and bag because it didn't all fit in...
Of course I messed up while explaining what was happening because I said it all in Dutch and then I looked at Kerrin and she looked like she didn't understand a word... and of course she didn't understand a word...
Laughing because I was explaining in Dutch instead of English
Being supersurprised when I translated...
And even more surprised when she opened the suitcase...
Oops, wiping a tear from emotion... but that's perfectly OK, I was wiping too! ;)
Not only a suitcase full of gifts, but also a suitcase full of emotions. The unexpected gift made Kerrin speechless, grateful and amazed and... she'll tell you about it when she gets back to Portugal, I'm sure of that!
At our home while sitting at the kitchen table opening the gifts - how fun!!!
Thank you dear Euro friends for participating in this fabulous secret gift giving. You are all extremely wonderful and sweet! :)
So, all in all it was unforgettable! It was an experience that will be cherished and when we said goodbye we all said: 'see you on the thread' of course! :) ('the thread' is our chatting thread on the Etsy forum)

Sorry this has been such a long post but I just wanted to share our experience a little bit 'cause I know how curious you all are! ;)


  1. Mitsy, thank you so much, like this I could take part of the Fair a bit:)
    Your work is unique and soooo creative you should really cary on showing it to everybody!

  2. wow how amazing time you all have in Maastricht :) you all look great with your amazing works:) I hope I can meet you in the future:) too

  3. Ahhh... I so enjoyed this post! Thanks Mitsy, for sharing your experience and let us, who where not able to visit, feel a bit like we did! What a wonderful meeting it was. We really need to arrange an EST meeting at least once :D

  4. great article Mitsy!! You perfectly described the day! It was fun meeting you all

  5. A fantastic post - thank you so, so, so much for sharing this with us.

  6. Oh Mitsy what a wonderful day it was for you all, I really so happy you girls have a great time to be together like this!:) And I have tears in my eyes too when I read about Kerrin, Mitsy:))) Hugs for you girls there. I wish I can join you girls when we getting together again next time!

  7. was emotional reading I was really there...thank you for sharing! Everyone looks great!!! Kerrin looks like a young Sigourny Weaver! You look fantastic--everyone! Thanks!

  8. I so wish I was there, to meet you all! Who knows maybe next year??
    Thanks for all the pictures, we really needed to see that all :)

  9. Thank you so much for sharing, Mitsy!
    It made me feel a bit as if I would have been there!

  10. Oow, I'm wiping tears too. Kerrin is such a lovely :)
    I'm so glad she liked it and I love the first picture of her surprised face :D


  11. Oh this was super lovely! I so so so wishe I was there too. You had great fair and lovely evening together :)

    Hugs to you all :)

  12. What a fantastic post of what looks like a truly super day!!! Wonderful to see all the photos of you there, especially of Kerrin receiving here 'goody suitcase'!!!

  13. Awww, Kerrin looks so touched :) Glad you all had a geat time :)

  14. Aw... nu baal ik helemaal dat ik er niet bij was... :(
    Als het er volgend jaar weer is ben ik ook van de partij! :D

  15. oh gorgeous post to see you all and read about the fair !

  16. Looks great :) hope you sold a lot as well :)

  17. It was a whole lotta fun, even from the side stand as I was. I really enjoyed meeting you all guys and I hope we get together soon again form some more chitchat!

    Mijn zuurvlees was yumyumyum!

  18. yay! I'm so glad to hear it went well! Mitsy your stand looked fantastic! all the feelings together are so effective!
    great to see all the EST doing well!
    thanks for the pics!

  19. Oh! It looks as if you had the perfect day!!

  20. Wow, what fun!!! You all looked like you had a ball. What a brilliant Post!!

  21. It was so much fun! But I should have brought a list as I missed Karla and Florcita :( Sorry, girls...

  22. Thanks a lot Mitsy for sharing. I'm so happy for you !! :)

  23. your table looks great :D and what the street team did was wonderful. It is amazing that friends that have only met online will do for each other :)

  24. So glad to hear {+ see} it went well. Congrats ~ all your hard work and preparation paid off :)

    Looks like a fun day.

  25. Oh such fun to see how great a time it was, thank you very much for having us join in :-D

  26. How wonderful to see you all in real.I enjoyed so much to read about and looking on all the pictures. The story about the secret suit case was touching.

  27. Mitsy, brilliant post, you describe a wonderful day so well - and the look on Kerrin's face was captured to perfection! She had no idea, we really CAN keep a secret :D
    Thank you to you for arranging this and to the team too, you all made the pet buyer feel superwelcome.

  28. AAARGGGG, i'm so jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Kerrin's face, ehehehe

  29. Oh, this is brilliant. I'm so happy everyone had a wonderful time!

    Thank you, Mitsy, for this great post!!

  30. I've been waiting for this post to find out how Craftparking went. Thanks for the long post and the photos, I really enjoyed it. Your set up looked fantastic too!

    Lucky Kerrin to receive such a thoughtful and beautiful gift! And how lovely of you to organise it. It sounds like you have a wonderful group of crafty friends.

  31. wow
    sp jalouse:)
    see you next time!

  32. Oh wow, you really had wonderful time together! I'm so happy to read about your gathering, such a special occasion to see fellow Euro Etsians. I only wish I was there with you guys:)


  33. What a great post Mitsy!!
    A fun one, so good to see everybody!! You got me crying too, how ridiculous.. but that look on Kerrin's face.. just too cute!
    I'm very happy you all had such a good time, thanks for the report!! xo

  34. i'm so jealous. would have loved to be there! and K is right -- an EST meeting would be lovely.

  35. Thanks for the report and the many photos; how I wish I could have been there!

    And I got emotional as well while reading about Kerrin and the suitcase.

    Hey, next time I'llbe there as well!


  36. Great post!
    I share your enthusiasm!
    And again Mitsy, you were a superorganizer (thanks for coffee and cookies and healthy carrots).
    We'll keep in touch!

  37. Thank you Mitsy for capturing that day so well ! :-)

  38. Amazing post! It seems like you all had a marvelous time and I'm glad we are able to see these photos!

  39. I am so happy that this turned out so amazing and inspiring for you.


  40. Thank you so much for sharing, Mitsy!
    I'm so happy everyone had a wonderful time!

  41. Nice blog post! Exactly my feelings about craftparking :)

  42. It should have been SO nice to know everybody in real life!
    Seem You really all had great time! ;D

  43. It was a magical day and you described it so well!!

  44. What a wonderful time you had! Your booth looks amazing with the natural wood boxes and your wall art hanging from them. Love the baskets as well. Wish I could see what is in all those baskets! Hope you had many sales. How wonderful to get to meet all your friends and share such a beautiful day together! I am very happy for you. :)

  45. What an interesting & inspiring post. Thanks for taking me along for the ride. I loved the passion and creativity the fair evoked. I feel like I was there too, well done xo

  46. Oh how beautiful! What a truly lovely post. :) K

  47. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this post and leaving all such lovely comments! :)

  48. I wish I were there with all of you:) Thank you so much Mitsy for this great post, pictures and sharing. Kerrin look so emotional!:)Hugs!

  49. I'm happy for you to hear your success! Thank you so much for sharing the moments on the fair and that after. I wish, I could have been there too to meet you all. One day... :)

  50. Forgot to say: your stand looked fantastic!!!

  51. ViltalaKim's sister here, I'd have loved to come to the craftparking event. Unfortunately, I live in The Hague and am renovating the kitchen now. Looking on Etsy and all the sites I get on by following my sisters' links.. it just amazes me that people can make such beuatifull things! Maybe one day I really start doing something with the hobbybooks I got about lots of different stuff...
    Hopefully next time I can be there!

  52. Mitsy, Thnak you very much. It is a lovely article, I felt I was there, I gave all my hugs to all of you..

  53. :) Mitsy, thank you for sharing this amazing event, i wish i could be there....

  54. How wonderful!! Thanks for all the pictures!

  55. Love all the pictures !! Your friend did a great job Mitsy ! Wasn't it fun ?! I am still telling everybody here who great it was. (they don't understand a thing...)

  56. It was such a great experience! Really wonderful!

    I loved the opportunity I had of meeting you all ^_^ I wish I could spend more time with you, girls, this team is full of fantastic people.

    Behind each avatar, there is an amazing person, I say it with the "heart on my hand", as we say here ;)

    I hope to meet you there in a near future!

  57. Wow so many street team faces!! I bet the dinner was fun !!!!

  58. :DD i love to see this photos!!
    sure you have had great time there!!

  59. wow totally brilliant and fabulous !!!!!!!!

  60. I'm happy for you all!!! I think it was a wonderful day!! Thank you for sharing!

  61. Glad all of you had a great time! Pity that I couldn't make it and meet all of you and Kerrin!

  62. Ooohhh, I'm so jealous of you guys :) *in a good way off course*! I wish I was there, it looked like you all had a lot of fun!

  63. you all so lucky to share these gorgeous time together. I wish I will be together with you in the future


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