Saturday, August 29, 2009

Dream in progress... part 9

Last week picked up my weekly progress posts on my Babette blanket. Initially I thought it a good idea to share my progress via my blog 'cause that would make me actually have something to show. This week I feel embarrassed as I only managed to crochet one 6-round square and start another one. I need 16 squares in total and I really hope that I won't be showing one each week in my progress posts! I started another one this morning so hopefully I have a bit more to show next week! :)


  1. *shakes dangerously with her hand*
    You naughty girl, why are you not finishing your blanket???

  2. Once you get into the groove, you won't want to stop! Maybe next week there will be two blankets to show...? ;) Have fun!

  3. If you want we could help you. In fact we could make an EST blanket :) Everyone sending a square or two :)

  4. the squares look good :) I really want to make one of these blankets but my stitches usually have holes in them :p

  5. You know I love this blanket! It is so beautiful and colourful. If only I had the motivation to make one, instead I am doing it vicariously through you! So keep going...I need to see progress xo

  6. oo it's going to be gorgeous!

  7. I love the idea of a community blanket:-) Keep up the good work, Mitsy!

  8. I like baahar's idea too!

    Keep up the good work Mitsy!

  9. I'm sure it will be finished when it will be the most needed : winter!
    Love the colors you picked!

  10. It'll happen when it's meant to :)
    I've found this blogging thing very useful for motivating me to do things and finish them off... but it can also be a bit of a whip-cracker that we try to feed more and more new, different and finished things!
    Don't give yourself a hard time, Mitsy. Use the motivation to do what you can but if it's one a week, then it's one a week, does it really matter?! It'll be done when it's done... just make sure you have FUN doing it. It's for the love of it, isn't it?
    :) K

  11. Thanks so much everyone! I love all your encouragement - I feel very 'carried' and really makes me want to finish this project.
    Somehow, posting work in progress does put pressure on me but I think I should follow some of the advise here: it is what it is even if it's little! ;)

  12. Oh, and I do love Baahar's community blanket idea. :)

  13. Don't be embarassed! It is coming along nicely :)


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