Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Flickr Favorites

1. Bishops Stortford, 2. Honey Lemon Tea, 3. Kleenex, 4. Watching paint (buckets) dry 6, 20030717

This mosaic is showing what I'm doing these days. I'm having a headcold and I'm drinking lots of hot lemon with honey. I also seem to be Kleenex' biggest sponsor. But we planned to do a little reorganising of our living space this week. I didn't want to postpone because of this headcold 'cause I'm too excited. Our living room and dining room were hardly used rooms because we spent lots of time in the kitchen, outside or in our workspaces.
The plan to make the living room into a workspace and the dining area into a little lounge room has been on our list for a long time. I can't wait for the major work to be done so that I can start decorating my new workspace. But for the next days, I'll be painting & putting down floorboards...

I decided to chose a favorite mosaic every week.
Please take some time to visit my favorite from last week! :)

If you like to play this week, make your mosaic and add a link to your blogpost (NOT your blog please) or Flickr in Mister Linky (click on the button below and fill in your name with the link to your blogpost or Flickr picture).
I'll pop over to have a look at yours. Can't wait to see your creations and find new favorites! :)


  1. Mitsy, wish you get well soon! Beautiful mosaic)

  2. Misty, I love how those pics are perfect representation of your world at the moment, but I wish you weren't sick! Hope you feel better soon. Will you show us pics of your space after the changes?

  3. The favourite Flickr Favourites is a great idea. I loved that mosaic too from last week!

    Hope you feel better soon! Being sick sucks.

  4. Amy, I will show pics when it's done. Right now, our home is a total mess - stuff everywhere!
    Skebba, thanks for your enthusiasm!
    I'll be better soon - it's just a little annoying that's all! :)

  5. :( I hope you get better soon, stick with the honey & lemon... it works miracles (or at least that's what I like to believe)

    jess xx

  6. Hi Misty! Get well soon and good luck with your paint!!
    Very nice mosaic!

  7. Hey Mitsy
    Thank you for choosing my mosaic from last week!!
    Your mosaic today is really telling the situation....
    try to get better.
    Also a good schnap of grappa is good for a cold..... my oma used to say!!
    ( maybe better you stick with tea if you dont want to get drunk...! heheheh

  8. I hope you get well soon dear, colds always make you down and 'heavy'. Looking forward to see your new living-working space!

    I'm having huge problems with blogger, can't open my own blog, so had to link it to my blog, as I don't have the link of the post itself, sorry :(

  9. Oy... a cold... it' s that time of the year again..uh?
    How fun redesigning your home! We are in the middle of changing all the windows in our house... today the last 2 I hope... It looks fab but wat een rommel!
    Get well soon!

    (have you thought of making a Flickr group for the mosaics or is that now allowed?)

  10. hope you feeling better by now! I am having hard feeling days myself.. Goodluck on with reorganizing around the house, I'd love to see the outcomes!!!!

  11. The change in weather seems to be making every sick. I hope you feel better! You must be so excited for your reorganising. Sounds fun. :)

  12. I hope you will feel better soon. Lovely picks.

  13. Get Well Soon.

    This was fun and oh so easy. Loved seeing other Mosaic addicts creations. Thanks for coming up with this idea.

  14. ((((hugs))))

    Big kisses! And wonderful mosaic, as always :)

  15. Hope you feel better soon! Best of luck with all the exciting renovations. Can't wait to see the results. :)

  16. Hope you get well soon!
    And happy decoration :)

  17. Wonderful treasury and wish you strength - lot of work needed to be done!

  18. I'm putting my favs together a day late this week:)

    Sending healing vibes to you, take care of yourself:)

  19. I'm sooo late catching up on your blog Mitsy... I'm sure you're better by now. Take care.


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