Monday, September 7, 2009

Secret Santa is taking orders

Leaves are starting to fall here and there, the days are slowly getting shorter and here we've already been treated with rain and wind.
Fall is in sight & I love it as fall is my very favorite season.
In a distance, I also see Secret Santa is taking orders. Secret Santa is a game played by the European Streetteam on Etsy. The idea behind the Secret Santa is that you make something for a teammember and also receive a gift yourself.
You have to be part of the team to participate though. People can sign up by sending me a conversation on Etsy. In return I sent them back a tiny questionnaire where they have to fill out some basic questions. They sent it back to me & when I have all the questionnaires back, I start matching up people. This is a fun process because I get to read all the answers of the questionnaire but it's also very hard because I really would like everyone to be happy with their secret friend. I will also be blogging about some of the answers of the teammembers - all anonymous of course but it's nice to share & get to know the team better.

Here's a call to everyone who has not seen my numerous messages about the Secret Santa on the team thread, in the Yahoo group or on Twitter: you have to sign up before the 15th of september to participate!


  1. LOL! Mitsy, you really made my day! Thank you so very much! LOL LOL LOL

  2. Wow, love the video :D

    Thank you Mitsy, I like to sign up for Secret Santa.

  3. Now, after all these years, I get to know the truth! Whaaa!

  4. I am so looking forward to this ! Which reminds me to go and fill out that 'tiny' questionaire... :)

  5. Haha, Inger, so far there are only woman participating in the Secret Santa, so yes: Santa is a lady! :)

  6. Dear Mitsy, this is such fun. thank you for organising this for us..
    Best Wishes,

    this is toooo much fun!!!!!

  8. This is wonderful Mitsy! Can´t wait!!! :)

  9. i would love to secret santa - however i make baby things...any chance u could hook me up with the appropriate someone? lemme know and i'm in

  10. What a lovely idea! That clip is hilarious :) K

  11. Loooooool! tah video is so fanny!!! hahahaha!

  12. The Secret Santa idea is very lovely and funny! Thanks Mitsy! :)


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