Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Flickr Favorites

1.OneBlackBird, 2. Not available, 3. thrifted tapestry wool!, 4. blanket and chair

I found some thrifted goodies the other day: a workbench & a chair. I'm especially over the moon with the workbench I found. It's handmade & huge: I love it.
The chair was only 0,15 eurocents (0,21$) at the secondhand store that's around our corner. I'll paint it and it will look as new!
I looked through Flickr to see what other thrifted goodies people find sometimes and I hope to bump into the some of that yarn too one day - it looks scrumptious & I can't believe someone has the heart to throw that away. I also need a new cupboard so I'll be browsing secondhand sites & visit some other secondhand shops. But I need it quick so I might end up going to Ikea if I don't find what I need ...
The table in this picture is from Oneblackbird on Etsy. I love her work & her studio is amazing!

Don't forget to look at my favorite from last week... (I warn you, it's a bit creepy though)

If you like to play this week, make your mosaic and add a link to your blogpost (NOT your blog please) or Flickr in Mister Linky (click on the button below and fill in your name with the link to your blogpost or Flickr picture).
I'll pop over to have a look at yours. Can't wait to see your creations and find new favorites! :)


  1. Lovely mosaic! I can't show my workspace because is always a big caos! But to look at your, probably will help me to declutter mine!!

  2. great organised mosaic! Whishing my workspace has that serenity!

  3. Oh, at the moment, i just dream of getting our new home ready, i'll dream of worktables later :)
    But still envy yours, hihii :)

  4. Thrifted is the best :) You can really find awesome stuff for little money! 15ct for a chair, unbelievable :)

  5. I have just secondhand in my house.
    Everything!Chandeliers, tables, bed, chairs....
    I love it!
    I am a fanatic of second hand, vintage bric&brac markets.

  6. I am sure your workspace will be fantastic, Mitsy. :) Very interesting mosaic on well organised workspace. *runs off to pack mine*

  7. sorry: linked twice!!
    Hope you can delet one?

    First want to grab a wetsie, then i'll check yours!

  8. I also couldn't believe that someone was able to get rid if that great yarn!! =))
    Congrats on your bench.. Have a ook at my latest trash find - the one I am in love with =)

  9. i guess we are in same mood. i picked some craft rooms for inspires me.. your mosaic is awesome,now i will look to find amazing things-wshing- in second hand shops too:)

  10. Your mosaic is so lovely! I loave these colors!

  11. You've inspired me to take a little stroll through the part of town with a lot of thrift shops later today. ( Well, I was planning that general direction anyway as there is a great cake shop in that direction too !)

  12. Thrifting is so much fun. Great mosaic!

  13. Love it! I miss thrifting - we don't have much of it here

  14. Great mosaic!! I especially love the white essencial look of those spaces! Very lovely places to work in!

  15. They are all just divine, but ooo, that tapestry wool..! So very yummy :) K

  16. That yarn is super cool. I love the ceramic goodies on that cupboard!

  17. Great mosiac! I love peeking into studios. Nice shot of OneBlackBird's workspace.

  18. Such a cosy mosaic! And your new table looks just amazing. You lucky girl!

  19. Such a lovely collection. I actually scored lots of yarn on Freecycle a while back (oh yes, totally free.) I was happy for a whole week :)


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