Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Flickr Favorites

If you know me a little bit, you know I'm in love with round and smooth shapes. But even though the paper-maché bowls are not really smooth, I'm deeply in love with them because of their simplicity. The slightly rough edge makes it so vulnerable.
Pretty papers make me kind of weak too - love to look & touch paper so when I saw that leftover picture, I was ready to eat it! :)
And while you're at it, you have to check out the photostream of Wild Goose. The leftovers picture above is just one of the many amazing images in her stream.

Please do check out my favorite mosaic from last week!

If you like to play this week, make your mosaic and add a link to your blogpost (NOT your blog please) or Flickr in Mister Linky (click on the button below and fill in your name with the link to your blogpost or Flickr picture).
I'll pop over to have a look at yours. Can't wait to see your creations and find new favorites! :)


  1. so beautiful!! I must agree with every word you say!!

  2. Very lovely! Yes, I must agree on the vulnerable look the bowls are projecting. Coolness!

  3. Agree with Star, very you :)
    Beautiful and calming and round mosaic

  4. I'm a big fan of Wild Goose - her images are amazing.

  5. oooh, love the leftover picture!!!! inspirig! one of my new favs!

  6. so white, pure and ethereal! Beautiful! Hey, I have a new blog/website! Posted from there today!

  7. Yum! Totally love them all, but yes, those bowls made me go weak at the knees :) K

  8. Aw thanks Mitsy :)

    That made my morning :) I'm feeling a bit cautious about carrying on doing mosaics because I got a complaining email from someone whose image I featured last week ( I took it out and replaced it with another ). He complained that the images were not properly credited. As a professional photographer I wouldn't have started using the mosaic tool if the images WEREN'T credited..so its taken a little of the gloss off this bit of weekly fun for me.

    Has anyone else had this kind of response ?

  9. These are all very beautiful and, thank you so much for the introduction to Wild Goose Chase. Just had a quick peek at that lady's photostream and, oh my! :)

  10. lovely images ~ i'm a big fan if circles myself

  11. I really like this collection - it's so fresh and light and makes you feel weightless, hummmm... almost :-)

  12. I love your this week's mosaic,

    I am just enjoying the lovely autumn colors as the weather is so nice... just go and walk in the woods every day...


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