Friday, October 2, 2009

Secret Santa

Picture by Simple Tess

Oops, this was a scheduled post an has been empty for a while so today is the first time that I actually blog in the past! LOL I planned to start with the first post about the Secret Santa on the European Streetteam yesterday. But the matching took me some time and I didn't manage to get it all done. No wonder as there are 101 participants... impressive right?
Secret Santa is a game played by the European Streetteam on Etsy. The idea behind the Secret Santa is that you make something for a teammember and also receive a gift yourself. Since I try to organise the game for our team, I get a lovely reward: reading all the questionnaires and knowing all the teammember's secrets! :)
What I also know it that lots of people of the team would like to read them all too... That's why I share part of the answers on the questions in my blog. And even though it's anonymous, it's still fun to read what other people wrote... So this is just a warning that from now on, every friday, you'll find a post about Secret Santa in my blog. Oh joy! :)


  1. cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....

    I can not wait to send my package, and also receive .....
    thanks for your hard work mitsy !!

  2. I think these posts are nearly the best part...and the making something perfectly fitting...oh and getting a wonderful surprise!

  3. te he he .. yay for YOU!! you are wonderful to do all of the organisation for us .. thank you :)

    It's very exciting indeed .. I LOVE my little secret santa recipient.

  4. Yay! I look forward to these posts! :
    Thanks for doing all that Mitsy! :D

  5. Yaay, I'm waiting impatience your blogposts !:)
    Thank you so much for this all huge works!

  6. Hehehee, wonderful job, Mitsy, thank you so much..and now we all are curious about lovely little secrets!

  7. Thanks Mitsy for your great idea! It's really funny to make and receive gifts :)

  8. Yaaay, it's so exciting!

    And Secret Santa made it to my weekly happy list! :)

  9. I'm cuuuuurious about all the answers as well ! And thank you so much for taking the time to gather and match all those answers, that's awesome of you !

  10. Thank you for all your hard work, looking so much forward to my package :)

  11. I'm planning my gift already, oh, this is going to be fun! I can't wait to read all your fun posts, too!

  12. Yey, looking forward to these post :)

  13. Thank you for the great job you did organising the Secret Santa! I'm looking forward to finding out who's mine and also taking a peek in some of the answers! he, he, he...

  14. I can't wait to read these posts!!!!!!
    And...thanks soooo much for your work Mitsy!!!!!
    You're great!!!!

  15. Thank you so much for organising this difficult task dear Mitsy! And I'm rubbing my hands here, can't wait to see what pressy will I get this time:))))

  16. Ah! I hope friday will come as soon as possible!!!! :D
    Thank you Misty!!!

  17. yeah! thanks again for organizing this! I can't wait to hear what others wrote!

  18. I'm all excited about finally taking part in this. :) Looking forward to the posts!

  19. thank youuu soo much for your timeee...there would not be any secret santa without you....



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