Thursday, November 5, 2009

My creative space

Last week I fired some buttons for my friend Ira Grant. She wanted BIG buttons to use on her bags. I posted a picture on Flickr and from the comments it seemed that lots of people liked them and told me to list some in my shop.
I don't have any spare big big buttons left as I sent them all to Ira but I have some smaller ones that I'm preparing to list soon. I have been hesitant to list them in my shop though as it seems like I've got so much different stuff in there. But I like making the buttons so I'll list them to see how they go. I hope it will not make my shop look too cluttered!
Someone suggested to me to split up my shops in Artmind, Artmind Jewellery and Artmind Supplies but I thought that was the silliest idea ever! Thank you cheeky one! :)
I'll also be making some more buttons today with porcelain clay and I'll be experimenting with textures as well. It's grey and rainy and the perfect day to spent inside with a hot cup of herbal tea!

Want to show your creative space? Hop over to Kootoyoo's to play! It's fun! :)


  1. Oh they look so gorgeous attached to your cards!

  2. Art, you're such a talent! You really should be a example if it comes to product improvement and fresh ideas :)

  3. your buttons look wonderful!!
    Here it is also rainy and grey..I wish I could stay home

  4. They are look beautiful and elegant! I waaaaant theeeeeem:))

  5. These are really beautiful and cute buttons! :)
    Good luck on filling your kiln!

  6. oh noooo, I want this button tooooo....

  7. They are really beautiful! And your packaging looks so professional! *sigh*

    Good luck!

  8. oh jij maakt echt geweldige dingen!

  9. Oh gorgeous buttons!!
    And I really think they match your shop, no worries :)

  10. such a beautiful space, i am amazed at the all things you can do with clay, i think you should fill the shop with it all!

  11. OMG!!! I loooove buttons and those are super cute!!!!

  12. Great idea to list the buttons in your shop. I think they coordinate perfectly with your other items and they are gorgeous. Enjoy your herbal tea and have fun in the studio. :)

  13. They are so nice!!!

    Wonder how tiny rond buttons would look. I had som small buttons round like balls when I was a child.

  14. Oh Gosh! Mitsy I want that flowers button too!!!!!
    And NO, dodn't separate your shop, they are a beautiful mix!

  15. They are very pretty! Who knows if you start producing lots of buttons you could open Artmind Supplies soon, ehehe (not my original idea, mind you)!

  16. lovely buttons! I want to see them 'in action' on Ira's bags!

  17. ooh buttons! :D they look great. I don't think your shop would look too cluttered, a variety can be good

  18. They look really beautiful! Love the finish!

  19. Gotten behind a couple of post on all my reads.. What do I miss but fun red, coral and now these adorable buttons. They look awesome, and I love the blue-ish green ones.

  20. I would love some large buttons!!!! You are doing some very special things lately. I'm watching....just haven't had much time to comment!!

  21. I would love some large buttons!!!! You are doing some very special things lately. I'm watching....just haven't had much time to comment!!

  22. They really are so beautiful Mitsy! Great creative space :) K

  23. Beautiful photo, and i love your buttons.

  24. Best idea ever! I love your buttons. You should totally list them! They are so 'you'!

  25. Next challenge ? Making beads ! They would look very very special, i am sure.

  26. Makes me miss button making...but need to finish all older works...


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