Thursday, November 26, 2009

My creative space

It's not a fun day in my creative space today. I need to sand a lot and I really dislike sanding. It makes my hands go all dry and rough. The pieces that need sanding are mainly all things for the secret project. All teeny tiny little bits that rather jump out of my hands then stay in there. But when this job is done, I can finally do a porcelain firing & I'm looking forward to that so I better get on with it! :)
Can you see the barbie hands that were in my post last week? :)

Want to show your creative space? Hop over to Kootoyoo's to play! It's fun! :)


  1. Wow all those little pieces!!!
    I die to know more about your secret project!!

  2. well, that a lot of sanding .... it looks very intriging - can't wait to see the reveal of it all

  3. Wow... when I look at it like that it does look like a huge job and very fiddly! Good luck, Mitsy. Hope you have a wonderful hand cream for when you're finished! I do love the whiteness of this photo - so beautiful :) K

  4. Looks super already mitsy!
    Gooduck on the sanding, before you know it will be finished.....

    Are these the bowls you made when I was at your place? They look just sweet and perfect for your little beads.

  5. Good luck with sanding all those tiny bits and pieces!

  6. Jip Kim, these are the ones I made when you were here. I plan to make more as they are just super fun I think! :)

  7. Inger, no way I could put this in a tumbler as sometimes only parts need to be sanded as most of them have texture on them. I'll torture myself a bit more now... ;)

  8. wow!!! they are really sooo tiny!!!
    you need a good hand creme for your hands after for sure...
    Good work!!!

  9. Oh my, that does look fiddly and tricky. Good luck!

  10. Babushkas will come with hands? :)
    Pitty you can't do sanding outside...

  11. all the best with the sanding!
    It seems like lots of work.

  12. Use it as an excuse to buy yourself some lovely new handcream x

  13. some good music to listen to while you work?
    your photo is super stylish :)

  14. The Barbie hands are intriguing me... hehe
    Can´t wait to see what are they for !

  15. It may take hard work but your resulting work is beautiful..Keep on keeping on :)

  16. lots of lovely goodness in miniature. i didn't realise you sanded everything as well


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