1. Cocoa beans, 2. chocolate and nuts, 3. Boon Chocolates, 4. Life Is A Box.
Yesterday morning I got this really sweet conversation from a customer on Etsy. She had ordered some mini-art-feelings and they skipped mighty fast to the other side of the world.
For those who have ordered feelings in my shop, they know that they come in boxes. These boxes are actually used to put chocolates in by Leonidas, a Belgian based chocolate company that can be found worldwide. So I always put in a piece of Belgian chocolate in the box. So I did with Donna's order. This is what she wrote:
'The packaging is gorgeous. I must confess I unwrapped them all to have a look. The chocolates, so sweet of you to put them in. My son, who is five, said "wow, Belgium makes the best chocolate! Can you ask Mitsy to make some more?" I love getting packages from around the world, my son and I look at the stamps, find the country on the map and talk about what life would be like there. I can justify my around the world shopping as educational!!
Angus does currently seem to think you and Belgium are one in the same but he is smitten by your chocolate making skills LOL!'
It made me smile big time and I think that Angus and I would enjoy munching chocolate together! :) Thank you, Donna for taking the time to write & make my day!
So this weeks mosaics is inspired by (Belgian) chocolate. We have a chocolate experience too here in Belgium and I love to go there!
Don't forget to look at my favorite mosaic from last week. I put every picture in my favorites! :)
If you like to play this week, make your mosaic and add a link to your blogpost (NOT your blog please) or Flickr in Mister Linky (click on the button below and fill in your name with the link to your blogpost or Flickr picture).
I'll pop over to have a look at yours. Can't wait to see your creations and find new favorites! :)