Saturday, December 5, 2009

Granny squares in progress

Don't you love to see a stack of granny squares grow? I do!
I managed to get 2 x 9 squares done this week.Although I'd like to cheat sometimes... and you all know how much I detest sewing in the ends.
I can't wait to have more so I can stack them by color! :)


  1. they're yummy, so colourful and bright :)

  2. I'm lazy and would just leave the tails :p lol

  3. Aaaaaaah, I sympathize about the ends, I hate them too!!

  4. I wish I could make these! But they look like sooo much work! You go girl!

  5. Like a pretty rainbow of yarn, great pics! Weaving in the ends is definitely not my favorite part either...the photo with the ends showing made me back away slowly saying, "noooooo" in a small, terrified voice -- ;P

  6. Why don´t you just weave the ends during crocheting? Doing so it will only leave you with the tail at the end of te last round. I always work that way and it is working just fine.

  7. Looking good Mitsy! I'm working on that Wool Eater pattern right now and seaming them together as I go along. I can't stand seeing piles of them (and their tail ends) needing to be done all at once!

    I can't wait to see you start seaming this together though. Going to be BEAUTIFUL! :D

  8. Ooooo looking forward to seeing what this will turn out to be! Looking good!


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