Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Flickr Favorites

1. Ring-A-Day #1, 01/06/2010, 2. Ring A Day- Jan 6th, 2010 6/365, 3. Ring a Day, 2/365, 01.02.10, 4. RAD3PlasticSpoon

When I was browsing Flick the other day, my eye fell on this absolutely wonderful artistic project: 'ring a day'
I hardly ever wear jewellery and my interest for it is somehow limited. But this project really appealed to me as it is very inspirational seeing all these creations pop up in my contact stream!
Check out the 'Ring a Day'-pool - it's super! :)

Check out my favorite mosaic from last week. I hope to find more time for that this year...

If you like to play this week, make your mosaic and add a link to your blogpost (NOT your blog please) or Flickr in Mister Linky (click on the button below and fill in your name with the link to your blogpost or Flickr picture).


  1. lovely link!!
    and i love you new heart art section!!

  2. What a great idea and so creative!! Great link and love the photos you shared with us :)

  3. I 'm happy you like our project! It's so much fun coming up with new interpretations of the "ring" concept. Thanks for including my ring too!

  4. oh that is original view on rings... each one is so different- I love them!

  5. Very interesting and fun rings!

  6. Wooow great idea! Super ring creations!

  7. You find the most exquisite things, you know? Gorgeous :)

  8. I'm totally a ring person so I love love these finds!
    And thanks for loving my mosaic, it seems it's a pretty popular one and everyone leaves a comment saying they'll read more! So great :)

  9. Great link, thaks Mitsy!
    And I am joining in this time :)! ox

  10. What a great challenge! And your discoveries are truly original :)
    I love jewelry and especially rings - can't leave home without one!

  11. That first photo is INSANE!!! OMG, I love it - so different! Great find Mitsy!

  12. ooops...here it is again :?
    Your mosaic really caught my eye...then I had to play:) How fun & cool! Thanks.

  13. Couldn't resist and joined! It's so much fun!

  14. These are incredible, like little sculptures for your hand. I can see why you would like them - the artistically obsessive reworking of the same object is relateable to your graceful work.

    I'm glad you shared them!

  15. I love the ring a day idea. Your selections are great. x

  16. The rings are really great. Plastic spoon...claver!


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