Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Handmade Olympics

Holy moly, I was super surprised when sweet RikRak asked me to be a judge for the Handmade Olympics she's running on her blog.
My first thought was: 'If anyone would come up with an idea like this, it would be Krystal'
She's little miss sunshine or you can call her a nicey. I think we all know who we're talking about then! LOL :)
She not only has a super RikRak shop on Etsy but she also runs a very vibrant and energetic blog. Her blog is a happy place with lots happening all the time so it looks like a non-stop party in there. I would follow her blog if you don't already.
Besides all that she's a mommy and a wife, not neccesarily in that order, too.
So, jip, it's one of those superwomen who can juggle it all!

The Handmade Olympics is the event were the handmade world comes together to celebrate making things. It is easy as pie to participate: just nominate someone you think deserves to be nominated in one of the 8 events that take place. Read all about it here!

I'm a judge for event number 5 and I'm mighty happy for that as I get to choose my favorite nicey/nicies that forwards kindness through handmaking..
So if you can think of individuals or groups that make a difference in our world through handmaking, folks who handmake kindness, nicies whose craftivism create change,... then please do NOT hesitate to nominate that person.

I'm not judging on the number of nominations a person gets.
I find the content, act, kindnessness (new word that I made up) that I can see, hear, feel through the nomination far more important then the number of nominations.
And of course, I'll be checking out the nominated person's whereabouts to see if he/she really deserves the prize! :)
Too bad I can't nominate anyone myself as there are at least a handfull people I would like to nominate...

There's also a superbig prize pack involved, look at that! :)
There is an equal amount of prizes per event - only the people who give these prizes differ in each category. What an awesome lot is that to support the Handmade Olympics! Thank you!
And there is also a draw for the fan prize so if you nominate, you automatically enter the draw.So, after all this, please go and nominate someone, you know you want to! :)


  1. I saw that you were one of the judges, congratulations!!! Krystal is such a fantastic gal. I advertised on her blog for a little while and she is such treat to chat with :) Have fun judging the hand made olympics!

  2. Congrats that you were chosen as a judge for this! That is awesome - I hope you have a lot of fun at it.


  3. Hi Mitsy,

    Just to let you know I've passed a blog award onto you! Visit my blog to see it.


    Charlotte x

  4. What a compliment that you were chosen to be a judge. I bet that means you are the nicest of the nice! haha....have fun!

  5. your blog is so gorgeous, I've given you a blog award, check my blog for details.

    I have no doubt that you will be a great judge for the handmade olympics, what a great idea

  6. i've given you a blog award! pls see my blog for more details...

  7. Congratulations on being appointed a judge. You deserve it since you are the nicest of the nice!
    Sounds like a lot of fun. I'll have to pop over to the site now. :)


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