Thursday, January 21, 2010

Studio happenings

It will be a busy day today. My table is filled with lots of things that need to get done. I'm sure I'm not getting this all done today but putting things in little blocks motivates me to get those 'blocks' out of the way...
Make and package Babushka magnets...Make and package flower magnets...
Assemble ceramic birds so they are ready to Decopatch.
Decopatch a flock of birds...
Think about a custom feeling for a friend.
I asked for some adjectives so I can work from there.
Sand & assemble love birds.
Fill this shelf with porcelain bits and pieces
for my collaboration with Anna from LilaRubyKing

And that's only what fits on my table at the moment... the to do-list however is loooooong and wide! :)

Oh, and if you haven't already, please vote for me for the Poppy Award, here! :)


  1. Another busy day for you, as always :) May the work fly and have fun, Mitsy :)

  2. Wow, lots of work Mitsy! I love all those babushka's next to each other :)

    Enjoy another creative day! :D

  3. Think how great you will feel tonight when you've ticked all these things off your list!

  4. oooh, lots to do Art!!!
    I wish you a productive day!

  5. Oh... your plate (table!) really is full!

  6. That is a long list! But you can do it!!

  7. Good luck, dear, looks like you are going to need it :)

  8. Exciting-exciting--you are an inspiration to us all! Sometimes, when I don't feel like doing anything, I think of the things you and others are up to in your studios, and that drives me on!

  9. I love all those colourful babushkas in rows !

  10. You fill your days so creatively, Mitsy. It is truly amazing to see all the wonderful pieces you are working on. Have a great day :) K

  11. you'll get it all done i'm sure mitsy! are those little doll arms i see??? :D :D :D

  12. Wow! You are so inspiring! Gorgeous work!

  13. Sweet holy moly! you have tons to do.

  14. amazing pictures, i love seeing how others work!

  15. Oh, you´re going to have a creative day! :)

  16. Good luck with your long to-do list, dear!

    Voted already!

  17. Oh I saw a lot of work to do. I can come out there for help to you:) Busy bee Mitsy! Good luck!

  18. Wow, that's a lot to do, but you are so organized!! It inspires me to get some work done. Are those hands I see on the kiln shelf? I'm in love with your new designs already...must save some money ♥

  19. Holy Smokes Mitsy, look at all you have to do! So much for seeing how any crochet is going :P :P

    Good Luck tackling your list!

  20. Happy happenings, that is an amazing amount (of amazing) work!

  21. I love looking at your work - it always motivates me. I gotta get going!

  22. Good Gosh, Good Golly, you are one organized gal.


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