Friday, February 19, 2010

Tutorial on Poppytalk handmade

Today, one of my tutorials is published on Poppytalk Handmade. It's all about how to make a moss terrarium. I know there are plenty of moss terrarium tuto's out there but let's say that this is an ArtMind-style tutorial. LOL :)
Hop over here to find it. Enjoy!
If you leave a comment here, you'll have a chance to win a set of singing birds for your own moss terrarium. :)

Oh, and when I was editing the pics, I saw there was a little snail on top of the glass jar - waaahhh - that made me scream as I really really really dislike snails... brrr, they make me shiver! Any animals you dislike?


  1. Oh yes please!

    swagnerm [at] hotmail [dot] com

  2. Ooh, super cute terrarium! I'm going to try one too and of course would love some little birds for it (actually my 2 1/2 year old son is obsessed with birds right now so I'm sure he would go crazy for them). And I'm with you on the snails. I want to like them but really they're just slugs in shells. Ick!

  3. he he lovely giveaway!

  4. great tutorial! I want to make a terrarium so badly!

  5. What adorable birdies. Love the idea of adding them to a little terrarium!

    Thank you!

    abstoner at comcast dot net

  6. I LOVE the birds. :D Not many animals I dislike. I'm not all girly-girl I guess.

  7. Wooohooo Love this! Both the terrarium and the cutie birds! Planning to get some moss when I go my native this time, thats a lovely countryside! Thanks a looooot Mitsy!

  8. Oh the little snail is so sweet though! And little. I'm moving west with my husband soon and hope to bring lots of green inside, the birdies would be the perfect excute to start a terrarium!

  9. very cute terrarium and gorgeous birds. But I agree - the snail is cute. It's slugs that I hate....

  10. I loved your tutorial Mitsy - always so clear and beautifully presented. I'm moving away from Ireland soon and I'd love to recreate a bit of home to take along with me on my travels.

    I quite like snails - and the hens love them for tea! Ants are my least favourite thing about the world though! euuuh!

  11. Are you willing to mail it over to Singapore? Just kidding! But lovely terrarium you've got there!

  12. oh poor Mitsy... snails i can cope with, but it's those slimy wee blighters without shells that i struggle with... i can hardly bring myself to even type the word 'slugs'... uhuhhghg!!! especailly those huge black ones that always come out after the summer rain - nasty!


  13. You hate snails?? :) But they're so cute! :D But okay don't tell me, I hate bees, and look at Maya... :)
    The birds are cute as always!

  14. I really would like one of your little sculptures for my Italian collection of birds!

  15. So cute! Lovely birds :)

    mummj at mail dot ru

  16. Me too! I would love those birds for my own terrarium! Thanks for the chance to win!

  17. oooh such cute little birds :) They are the perfect addition to a little terrarium - i have been wanting to have a go for quite a while.

  18. Oh! your little birds add so much character!
    and cuteness

  19. Oh!!! Lovely birds,I'd like to try one and also all the other beautiful tutorials!!

  20. i know i'm too late, but that's o.k. i'm a huge terrarium lover... this one is adorable ~ minus the snail, ick. :)

    keep up the good work!

  21. so lovely Mitsy, maybe I am going to try it. But I have no green fingers for house plants, they always die on me. I am a bit better with my garden....
    I lost my fear for snails because we have here hundreds of them in the summer (living along water), but spiders .....

  22. Finally a kindred spirit, I have been fighting with the world trying to explain my paralyzing fear of snails for years... :( The usual reaction is "Oh, so you're scared of them 'cause they're so big and fast?" Yes, because irrational fears are supposed to be based on rational reasons, right? Ugh.
    p.s. Love the tutorial. But am somewhat discouraged by the potential of snails involved. : )

  23. i think the snail is pretty cute... but not as cute as those sweet birds :)

  24. yikes! I cant even look at snails without freaking out, yuck. But I love your terrarium :D Thanks for sharing your tutorial.

  25. I love your tutorial! What a great idea to use charcoal! Eva and I planted a terrarium last year and it ...died. We'll try your version this year when all the snow melts down (whitch is going to be close to NEVER!).

  26. Great tutorial and cute birdies! Thanks!

  27. LOL, I know you don't like snails, so I kind of found it funny to see one on your pic :)
    Love your birdies!

  28. Visiting from Poppytalk. I thought the snail was a nice touch, but now that I know funny!

    As for animals I don't like, birds. They completely freak me out.

    But these birds are super cute. Hope I win!

    Going on to read some more "tutos."

  29. soo cute! Love the little birds, and cannot wait to try out the terrarium!
    there are only 2 insects I can think of that makes me shudder and takes a minute to collect myself before I can move on: silverfish and earwigs. ew.

  30. OH! I love those little birds. Pick me. :)

  31. Wonderful tutorial! My mom is currently visiting the pacific northwest and I think I may have her bring some moss home for me! I have been eyeing terrariums for weeks. Cute little birdies too! Thanks for the tut!


  32. I thought the snail was so adorable! But I abhor cockroaches.

  33. always such CUTE ideas!! Thanks for the super sweet giveaway!

  34. Hi, I came from Poppytalk too! I think that snail is really cute (it's so little). I always fear small animals (especially insects) either growing really large or becoming intelligent, gathering in hordes and wreaking revenge for that cockroach I stepped on.

    Those singing birds are freaking cute. I am definitely one (or more) of these terraria.

  35. Thanks for great the birds!

  36. i would love to win! i love terrariums. yours is so cute!

  37. Hi!

    Great tutorial! :) I love terrariums and have collected quite a few so these little birds would fit in quite nicely!

    Snails, on the other hand, scare me! But I do find them cute :)


  38. I have a beautiful hanging crafted terrarium that would be greatly improved with the addition of these two lovely song birds.

  39. I love the terrarium! and the cute. I love all of God's creatures, but spiders are creepy!

  40. i'd love to get these cute little birdies!
    amysahba (at) gmail (dot) com

  41. Just wanted to say... these terrariums are so cute! I think the snail adds some character to the photo :).

  42. My Italian grandmother use to cook them in a delicious tomato sauce. We would eat them by digging them out of the shell. They were really tasty...or so I thought until I was five years old. Apparently you would buy these things sort of dried out at the Italian grocers. My grandmother would put them in a pot of cool water in the sink with a cover on it, until they "reawakened". Unfortunately, they lifted the cover one day and escaped...all over the kitchen. That was it for me, never ate another. My cousin however, was not deterred and thought it was great fun to tease the other neighbor kids by licking the sauce of placing it on the fence. He would ask them if they dared him to eat it...I think I can still hear them screaming!!!

  43. so cute! i have moss everywhere around my house, so it won't be hard at all to find some to put in my terrarium! and those little birdies would put the perfect finishing touch on it!

    oh, and animals i don't like.. bugs.. any bugs! *shudder*

  44. I've been stalking terrariums and sets to buy. Yours is super cute!

  45. What a great idea for a terrarium!

    Your little birdies are what really give it a special charm.

    All your creations are simply lovely!

  46. So, so cute! I love terrariums!

  47. What a lovely terrarium. I'll try one myself, but totally need the birds to make it complete ;)


    Have a fabulous weekend.


  48. singing birds- how nice! throw in that snail, too. i don't mind.

  49. Ooo... I love the birdies! I just made a terrarium... though not in a jar, and not moss, but rather in a round vase and with little itty bitty cacti. Oh so cute. But oh so empty without two white birds to spruce it up!

  50. aw what a cute little terrarium. I want to make one, but have been putting it off!

    (and I like the snail)

  51. I think the snail there is so cute! I don't love or hate them, but imagine, you couldn't have planned such a cool pic if you tried. I mean, you wouldn't go pick up a snail and put it there,so it is pretty awesome. I wonder where the snail lives now?

  52. That's it. I'm off to make something fun I'm seeing here.

    Have a great weekend
    Kate - The Garden Bell - <3 <3 <3

    Spring is on it way, right?

  53. LOVE the terrarium, and of course the adorable birds.

  54. What fun? I always enjoy my visits here. Even if I don't get here everyday. I always scroll back through to see what I've missed.

    Have a great weekend
    Kate - The Garden Bell - <3 <3 <3

    Spring is on it way, right?

  55. The terrarium birds are very cute and you are very generous for giving them away! I don't hate snails or any other animal really but flies really disgust me...yuck :D

  56. I plan on making a couple of these as housewarming presents and a pair of singing birds would be the cherry on top!

    And slugs gross me out even more snails do. At least snails have the decency to cover up with a shell...

  57. Adorable! I have been itching to create a terrarium!!

  58. Precious birds and I love terrariums!

    I love snails but spiders make me squirm. Pretty normal I suppose.

  59. those little birds are so cute!


  60. oh, so cute! I'd love to win. That terrarium is adorable.

    { Lindsey ]

  61. omg cutest ever! i'd love to have one of these !!

  62. These are so sweet looking!

    Thanks for sharing such a great idea!

    Cool blog!

  63. I love the birds and the snail adds a great composition to the photo! :) I have several terrariums in my office and I have students come in all the time and they always stare and wonder what they are. Great conversation starter.

  64. oh my goodness i love snails >.<

    thank you so mucho for the tut - i've been wondering how to do it and i was messing around with dry twigs and string and leaves, but it just didn't work.... yay for art mind :)

  65. come on singing birds!! fingers crossed for these babies :)

  66. I think the little snail is adorable, but I can see how they are a bit ick.


  67. please oh please these are too wonderful!

  68. I love this tutorial. As I love the others.
    The small snail on top of the jar is so cute.
    Your singing birds are so cute!!!!!!

  69. I love your terrarium so much I already made one like it. Now all it needs are those cute little birdies!

  70. Oh I love snails! I think they're adorable.

    Can't stand spiders, centi/millipedes, or even the thought of maggots. Eeek!

    Those birds are adorable and the perfect size!

  71. Pick me, pick me!

    mysundrymusings at gmail dot com

  72. oh gosh, I just love little ceramic birds, adorable!!!

  73. Beautiful terrarium. I can almost smell spring when I look at the photos. The birds add the perfect touch. I heard my first birds, of the new year, singing today. Spring will come! Thank you for the tutorial.

  74. A sweet little terrarium. The snail is not too bad as long as he stays in his shell. Lol! And is that a fly on the other end? Oh goodness, maybe I am just seeing things now!

    Great tutorial!

  75. I love the birds! Great tutorial...I can't wait to try to make a terrarium!

  76. I think the snail is the perfect little touch to your terrarium. :P

  77. I've always love terrariums and in thankful for the tutorial on poppytalk.
    I'd love to win those birds from you too. I hope I'm not too late.

  78. Love those birds! What a cute idea for spring!

  79. Love all your tutorials! You are a huge source of inspiration :o) thanks for sharing.

  80. SO CUTE

    lisa_m_nguyen at yahoo dot com

  81. I thought the snail was a masterful touch. I don't like spiders...I want to because I recognize they eat bugs, but they still creep me out a bit... Thanks for the opportunity!!

  82. I love those little birdies. So cute!

  83. Here via Poppytalk--what great birds! amaryllis [at] geocities [dot] com

  84. i loved the tutorial. The more terr. tutes, the better

  85. Love it!! I found this after searching for how-tos on terrariums. Thanks for the tutorial!

  86. I'd love to win as well....I have one bird...but he is so lonely. "I wanna sing with other birds" he said to me the other day....These birds are social animals, not lonely wolves :-)

  87. Alright, I made two terrariums and they have nothing in them but moss, so the birds would be perfect!

  88. How did I almost miss my chance to win some of ArtMind's work? So glad I made it in time!

    That snail is sooo funny! I would have screamed, too, but it looks perfect there!

    Thanks for the chance!

  89. The give-away is now closed and the lucky winner is Jenya! :)

  90. oh my gosh! those birdies are too cute!

  91. The snail is the best! My daughter is 5 and she found a slug a few months ago...they made babies. Now we have like 50 of them in a terrarium. I love my little boy, I mean girl =)


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