Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Flickr Favorites

1. 77/365, you're never fully dressed without a smile!, 2. Rebel!, 3. Looking up, 4. What box shall we think outside of???, 5. The Eye, 6. Last day in Paris, 7. 153.365 ~ . the balancing act., 8. hah!, 9. White

I hardly ever make mosaics with more the 4 pictures but that would have made this weeks challenge even harder. Actually, I forgot all about the challenge and prepared a mosaic and when I went back to check out the link of last weeks favorite, I saw that I challenged you to make a self portrait! Duh! :)

So, I got to work and wrote down a few words to describe myself. Then I tried to find the right pictures in Flickr. Not an easy task as some are creepy and some are dull but let me explain a bit...
1. I smile and laugh a lot. I like to believe it will make me old and wrinkled and then later, when people come and ask me the secret of becoming that old, I would answer: 'smile and laugh a lot'
2. I'm a rebel. Jip, I really am. I dislike being walked over and I often 'fight' for people who are done unjustice. It's not always easy being a rebel but I can't change it, so I try to live with it.
3. Looking up is what I've learned over the years. It has made me stronger and more aware of things. Not being afraid of facing things but take it all in in pride.
4. I like to think outside the box. It is good to look at things from another perspective.
5. I don't like to look back. Memories are great but I don't hold on to them. It's the present that counts. This picture is a bit creepy but it also shows that it's not always easy to look at the present. It can be a struggle but there is no point of living in the past.
6. Small things are often really big for me: a little note in the mail, a blooming flower, an old couple sitting hand in hand in the park, an unexpected gift, an encouraging word,... it makes my world much fuller, nicer, richer.
7. I try to balance things. Not an easy task and I often don't succeed but when I do, I can fly.
8. I'm a patient person. Unless someone puts a cake in front of me...
9. I need space. Space in my head and in my heart. I also love wide open spaces where there's no one except me. Too bad we don't have many of those in Belgium.

Phew, this was quite a challenge but it also felt good to reflect a bit on myself. I hope I haven't scared you away and actually, I'm curious to find out more about you.
I'd love to meet you but if you don't feel like playing the 'selfportrait' game, don't. It's supposed to be fun and if it's not fun, there is no point!

I'm so glad that my favorite mosaic from last week was loved by many!
Very subtle, very delicate, very beautiful...

If you like to play this week, make your mosaic and add a link to your blogpost (NOT your blog please) or Flickr in Mister Linky (click on the button below and fill in your name with the link to your blogpost or Flickr picture).


  1. Immagination has no limits...

    A gorgeous collection, Mitsy. Simply love it.

    Have a great day.
    Eniko'' :)

  2. Crud! I totally forgot all about the challenge!! Here I went & made mine all wrong *grin*. LOVE yours though! So interesting to learn more about the mind behind 'artmind' *grin*. Photo number 5 is actually my favorite even if it is a bit creepy. LOL. Okay I'm off to redesign mine now :)

  3. Haha Rosina, I did the same yesterday! :) Then went looking for Eniko's link and remembered the challenge! LOL
    I'm off for a bit now but will check when I get back! :)

  4. So many expression in your SP Mitsy. I read you comments and paired with the pictures. You really know who you are :-)

  5. love it! :) and I think we look a lot like eachother ;) [I like cake too]

  6. Very interesting food for thought. Would love to participate but I still need to observe a little before I can dive into this sort of initiative, not yet familiar with all these tools! Still trying to put a blog together, don't quite know how to begin! ;)

  7. Okay, second mosaic is up and this time it's about me!

  8. oh my God!!!!
    I completly forgot about the theme " my self"......
    sorry.... I will make mine next week!! Sorry <sorry Sorry!
    I love yours though!

  9. wow Mitsy This is lovely!!! The mosaic is lovely, but when you read the meaminigs it is beautiful to know!!

  10. I think you did a wonderful job! it was quite a challenge to make a self portrait mosaic but loved it!

  11. I think you're a nice person and not nice in the meaning of sweet , cute, but somebody with her heart on the right place... I didn't tell in words who I'm, because I didn't read the blogs last week...but I found that in what I wrote , you can see who I'm...hope that's enough for you ..

  12. Great idea and it is really enjoyable to see these small pictures talking about you. Wish you luck!

  13. This is a really challenge! Lovely mosaic, you found pics that speake about you! This is great!!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Oh so lovely mosaic! Nice to meet you Mitsy!

  16. Sorry I posted with a wrong account before XD

    I also forgot about the challenge! Maybe next time, but it's nice to read about You! ^^

  17. Great picks, they make such a lovely portrait!

  18. behind all of them, oyu are very artistic,friendly and cute in my eyes.. :)

  19. It´s so great to read about you Mitsy! :)

  20. This was an inspired idea, Mitsy. It was such fun and I learned a lot. Your mosaic showed me who you were a little, it's nice to finally "meet" you. :o)

  21. lovely to know more about you, great collection

    I will have to challenge myself next week, or maybe I will do another post in a few hours? I really liked my baskets photos and got so inspired so I leave this one anyway :)

  22. Beautiful pictures and great idea, it's good to know a bit more about each other!

  23. It is so lovely to know a bit more about you in such a great way!

  24. That image in the middle is insanely awesome! And they all mean so much more when you explain them. Thanks so spending time on this Mitsy. It's lovely.

  25. Difficult and interesting challenge!
    Love the photos you picked to match your personality :)
    I especially love the facts nº 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9... as for the photos the kitties won :) but the first one is truly inspiring!

  26. I love this challenge. It's such a great way to get to know you Mitsy. I learned allot about myself. I suddenly discovered that there is allot to say about me..

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Such a beautiful collection, Mitsy!

  29. Mine's a little late but I got it done! I had so much fun doing this challenge!

  30. I challenged this challenge, too. I reaaly liked it. Is there a them each week or how does it work?

  31. This is an amazing idea. I absolutely love your pictures.Thank you for the inspiration oOo x


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