Friday, April 9, 2010

Helicopter leaves

You know those leaves that twirl around like a helicopter? I used to love them as a kid - well, actually, I still do! :)
I don't even know if they are called helicopter leaves really.
When I was making moulds the other day, I pressed some of those leaves in the mould. That way, the back side of the mould is not going to waste. I found these leaves in a park in Portugal when I was visiting Kerrin from Sigmosaics last year so I thought it was cool to see them in pressed in porcelain.
I made a little hole on top of the leaf and hope that Anna from LilaRubyKing will find a way to turn these into a neat jewellery design sometime...


  1. Beautiful. I can see a gorgeous necklace.

  2. Beautiful...I love the association with wind and weather these bring...

  3. Beautiful. In fact, they are maple-fruits. Halves. :-)

  4. I believe that they are seeds from a maple tree. I love those, too.

  5. te he he .. we found some in a park here the other day and were playing with them .. 'helicopter leaves' must be one of my first child hood memories. Nice to see they have a real name (maple fruits).

    You've done a superb moulding job there, that would have been a tricky one! Would love to see what Anna comes up with i'm certain she'll accentuate their natural beauty :D

    Happy flying!

  6. you always seem to have such fun with what you do... except for the sanding!

  7. I love the look of porcelain and was wondering if you had any information on what is needed to work with it. Does it have to be fired? Glazed?

  8. I think those helicopter seeds (like maple seeds) are also called "samsara." It's a beautiful word, from Hindu, meaning the cycle of death and rebirth.

  9. We call them the same thing!! I think they're usually maple seeds but the kids always have so much fun watching them twirl around in the air :) You did a fabulous job making them!

  10. They look perfect! Still no dragonfly wings, hum? eheheh :)

  11. Lovely idea! They will make for some beautiful jewelry for sure :)


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