Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Flickr Favorites

Last week I announced that every first Tuesday of the month we would try to make a themed mosaic. If you're not up to that, don't worry and do whatever you like. I'll still like you! :)
This week, I would like to see different outtakes on emptiness/loneliness.
A bit gloomy, scary and sad perhaps but I think it also has a very beautiful aspect. When you feel empty or lonely, you are forced to deal with it somehow. It reflects on your whole being and it will make you stronger and more concious then anything else.

My favorite mosaic from last week is very nature/jungle related. :)

If you like to play this week, make your mosaic and add a link to your blogpost (NOT your blog please) or Flickr in Mister Linky (click on the button below and fill in your name with the link to your blogpost or Flickr picture)...


  1. Beautiful and a bit creepy at the same time, nice!

  2. Really interesting concept Mitsy. I'm really looking forward to seeing how everyone interprets this! I'll be back to check out the mosaics as soon as I'm home from work! Have a good day x

  3. oops, forgot about the theme, I am currnetly not in this mood, so I don't know if i can come up with a mosaic,
    we'll see....

  4. Beautifully depressing and sad.....

  5. Gloomy indeed ...and with only 10C outside.... brrrrr... kinda feels worse!

  6. Love yours, Mitsy! A bit scary but being alone is scary after all.

  7. the clown is little scary creepy, but the other images are very powerful.

  8. Oopsies, I had already made my mosaic before I saw the theme! Yours is gorgeous - hauntingly beautiful.

  9. This theme is something I am feeling sometimes since I started my training:)
    Nice to see it in pics. I tried making one too, but as you might have seen I cannot do without color:)

  10. Ok, so I think I made a bit of an oops. It's my first time here and I think I took your 'just do whatever you want' perhaps a tad too literally.. linked to a pic (not a mosaic) that represents those ideas.. I'll make one properly next week. Thanks for organizing.

  11. Hi Mitsy, your version is so depessive. Brrr...
    To get balance I make a happier mosaic... :-)

  12. Actually, maybe I could put a question forward on here? Answers welcome from anyone! I'm quite newish to blogging (can you tell?) and was wondering how eveyone deals with copyright issues on their blogs... There is lots of beautiful work out there that I'd love to be able to talk about (and show pictures) on my blog, but I always worry about people taking exception. How does everyone else feel about that (when it comes to showing stuff on your blog AND/OR when someone else features your work?)Does everyone ask for permission? So far, I haven't shown anyone else's work because of this. How do you go about it?

  13. are you scary that someone you love can leave an empty place in your life? these finds are amazing!!

  14. I love your mosaic, very emotional photos!

  15. Whoops I forgot about the theme. Probably a good thing in a way cause my work is doing a wonderful example of emptiness at the moment so I don't want to bring that home with me. ;)

  16. absolutely gorgeous mosaic - and fits your theme perfectly.

    my fave is the photo with the scary hands - that is genious!

  17. Mitsy,
    Mystic and simple sooooo Beautiful!!!

  18. Wow, it's both gorgeous and so atmospheric!

  19. I'm not in a lonely mood at all! :) I'm glad I can play along afterall.

  20. gorgeous. love the colors and love the textures !!

  21. Great theme and such lovely selection of photos. I love the one with the bench, bench is it?
    Have a great, not lonely, day!

  22. Mitsy, I wasn't entirely awake in the morning, thanks for favoriting my mosaic of last week :)

  23. Beatiful photos Mitsy!
    I really like this idea of a themed mosaic, I'm loving to see the way others are interpretating it :)

  24. Great idea. I'm enjoying looking at everyone's mosaics this week!

  25. Your work is GORGEOUS...I'm SO pleased that K from RIKRAK included you as one of her faves...
    I'd love to do a Tell ALL Tuesday spot with you if you're interested?

  26. Oh wow, that third photo is insane beautiful!

  27. this mosaic is great! the colors really play with my imagination, but my mosaic isn't going with the theme at all


  28. beautiful! beautiful! beautiful!
    that atmosphere!

  29. Hi Mitsy, I'm a few minutes late in posting... whew. lol. Loved the theme week. Your mosaic was wonderful.

  30. it is beautiful ;) thank you i love the idea of a theme, mine was a little sad i think but it doesn't have to be emptiness can be so liberating, like a blank canvas to start on.. loneliness can remind you fondly of those you love and have loved.

  31. What a thoughtful mosaic. Look forward your next theme - I'll remember to take part this time and not do my own thing (oops - must pay attention) - glad you'll still like me though ;o) Lucy xox

  32. i like every artistic work.hope you like this,i want to add more mosaics but there is no option for 2nd link.... :-(


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