Sunday, June 13, 2010

How to make a happy girl?

Happy girls are an ArtMind trademark. From the beginning I added them to my orders. They looked a bit different then as I used to have a red avatar so I send off red happy girls. I had been told that my avatar looked a lot like Target's and that this could cause trouble. I decided to change it to lime which happens to be my favorite color. And since then, every order is accompagnied by a lime happy girl.
The world is a happier place with happy girls so I decided to share a tutorial on how to make 'em.
Here is what you need:
A cutting mat, a cutting knife, a ruler, hemp thread,
3mm thick felt, doublesided tape (2cm),
wooden bead (12mm), scissors and a thin black liner.

Put doublesided tape (2cm) on the felt.
Cut with a liner just below the doublesided tape.
Cut a piece of the hemp thread 7cm or 3 inch long.
Cut a piece of hemp thread 20cm or 8inch long.
Tie knots on the ends of the threads.
These are the hands and feet.
Fold the larger hemp thread in half and
slip the wooden bead over the end.
Tie a knot about 1cm or half an inch from the top.
Cut the felt in the shape of a dress:
more or less 1cm or half an inch on the top and going wider on the bottom.
Cut a second piece of the dress.
Remove the doublesided tape.
Place the body and arms on top of the dress.
Place the second piece of the dress on top of the other piece of felt.
Draw a happy face. :)
And if you're in a productive mood,
you can make a mountain of happy girls.

In case you are a returning customer in my shop and prefer another color of happy girl when ordering, please don't hesitate to specify the preferred color. :)
Orders placed for my collaborative work with Anna (LilaRubyKing) receive an olive colored happy girl.


  1. Goodmorning with green super ladies ;))

    Cool and beautiful
    Have a fun sunday =)

  2. thats a hilarious picture. It would make a good postcard!

  3. I love how 'simple' these are to make once you know how. And yet, I'm still wondering how long it took you to make all of those in the photo?!!

    Thanks for sharing this.

  4. And one more thing about happy time :)
    Ikabags HAPPY BAGS ! Glad to see your smiling face!

    Now this words I am writing in my shop anonce ,
    Life is not to easy but everytime we can find some gergeous detail for t be happy :))

    Sorry again my poor english :(

  5. Here's another idea I can use for my workplace. :) Thanks!

  6. I loooove the mountain of happy girls - great fun! :)

  7. I looove your happy girls. It's good to know I could make them myself, but I still perfer yours :D

    Have them everywhere. At work, at home ... :)

  8. I love your happy ones =D and that last image is awesome!!! =)

  9. what fun and so cut - you are so kind :-))))))

  10. Mitsy,
    your just the Best in showing
    how to,

  11. Mitsy, fun & fabulous, you're the best!

  12. that 'happy girl' mountain has to be one of the cutest things i have ever seen! (^_^)

    Chloe x

  13. Ab.fab. mountain of happy girls.
    grt. Helmi

  14. You are really something Mitsy!
    They are so sweet! What a lovely idea!!

  15. The mountain of happy gilrs is incredible! I love this photo :D Thank you for sharing great tutorial :)

  16. Ik vind je happy girls helemaal geweldig. Ik ben een trotse bezitter van een happy girl. Hij hangt in mijn atelier op het inspiratiebord.

  17. Your little green happy girls have me me very happy this Sunday morning.

    How generous you are with your various instructions! Each of your tutorials just makes me want to start a project myself ... and sometimes I actually do get started.

    Thank you. xo

  18. I adore that big pile of happy girls! What a nicely written and photographed tutorial.

  19. Simple, but extremely effective girls. And a super tutorial to boot!

  20. So cute! I'll try that with my son teva. Thanks!

  21. Thank you Mitsy! I can't wait to try it! - Yu-Ting

  22. Dear Mitsy,
    it's great that you share this tutorial!
    What is the size of the wooden beads you use?

    Greetings from Waterfleet,

  23. Hello Vera, the size of the beads I use is 12mm but sometimes I make 'em bigger or smaller. You can just adjust the 'dress' as you go. :)

  24. wow... wonderful mountain of happy girls!!

    hugs eli

  25. Aww, I love her! And the lime color is so fun and happy. Thanks so much for this, I'll be linking.

  26. This is brilliant!! Thank you so much for this tutorial Mitsy! :D

  27. I love this happy girl! And I'd really love it if you'd bring her to my crafty international blog linking party Sun-tues! Hope to see you there!

  28. I love your happy girls so much! Thank you for teaching us how to do them :)
    I share mine with friend, they're so cute!!!

  29. Thank you! Bellissima idea e bellissimo tutorial! Ciao pia

  30. Oh my!!! That is one big mountain! Remember those two happy girls you included with my package long time ago? I am using one of them as a "charm" for my USB stick :-) I think of you every time I use it.

  31. waw.. so cute! I'll make it soon :D

  32. Adorable. I am going to make a few to embellish my daughter's shirts!

  33. I am just fascinated by your happy girls, they are adorable!! I want to make some too, but because I only have boys in my house, I think I might make some happy boys instead. :)

  34. What a darling memento. I'm sure I'd appreciate such a thoughtful touch.

  35. Look at all the happy, happy girls! You always make me smile!

  36. thanks so much for dropping by Craft Schooling sunday! I'm going to share this with my readers and can't wait to try this with my kids, I think they can make the clothes!

  37. I LOVE life simple, sweet and fun XX!

  38. Those are SO cute!!!!!thank you fot the TUT ;)

  39. I love you for given away the idea to us all. That is the most generous thing I have seen for long.
    I love them, and I got so happy when you send me a package and they were in.

  40. These are the most adorable little dolls! Thank you so much!


  41. These are just adorable Mitsy :) Thank you so much for sharing how you made them. I'm off to create some with my daughter today as I'm sure I have some double sided tape and wooden beads for heads *grin*.

    Hope you are doing well! I haven't had a chance to pop over for a bit I'm going to have to catch up on the fun things you've been up to :)

  42. wooooow, great !!!! congratulations! my little girl will love it !

  43. Thanks for the tutorial! I found your blog from The Crafty Crow. I posted a picture of my finished ones here.

  44. Hello!! ;)

    I do love your blog and your tutorials! ;)

    And I put and my blog the happy girl tutorial for my friends to see how much is easy to make and how fantastic is to know person like you with this generosity heart! ;)

    Nice to meet you!
    Poliane Latta

  45. So cute! i love it, thanks for sharing.

  46. Hi!
    I casually found this surfing through the www. They are so lovely! Even good to make with kids! Thank you for sharing!
    Greetings from the cold Berlin, Germany!

  47. Adorable! These would make cute earrings :). Thank you for sharing your art and tutorial and of course, spreading the happiness. Best to you!


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