Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sunday Market

I've had a few people asking me what I usually put in the goodie bags that I give away on fairs. It mainly depends on what I have ready or if I can come up with a fun idea. This time, it contained 2 plastic bags to make something.
One bag had all the ingredients to make a happy girl, the other had all the ingredients to pimp a feeling postcard. I also asked people to send me a pimped card and I will give a happy package to the most fun, unique and original pimped feeling postcard. I'll leave about a month for people to pimp it and will show 'em on my blog so you can help me pick a winner. :)
I have 3 goodie bags left so if you want one, leave a comment in this post and I'll pick 3 peeps to send it to on Friday.

Later on, I'll post a tutorial on how to make a happy girl so stay tuned for that! :)

Can you believe I didn't even take a picture of my own stand at the Sunday Market?
And there were so many Etsy stands that I didn't even get around photographing them all.
Here's the few that I did right before the market started...
Paperfection, Momfetti, Mamutopia, Tizzalicious, FleurFatale and L'AccentNou

A glimpse of the meeting in the evening. On the left you see Swiedebie, Martice and Ballee. On the right in the back with camera, Huismus, FleurFatale, Vadjutka and P8accesoiries

Martice and Ballee.
A BIG and WARM thank you to Marta for making this experience so unforgetable.
She was the perfect boothbuddy and organised lots
of stuff to get so many Etsy-peeps together.
Marta, you're a GEM!

Matt from Etsy in motion.
He just could not stand still as he's full of energy and enthusiasm!
Thanks so much for coming to visit and making us even more Etsy-crazy! :)

And a big thank you to everyone who visited my stand and supported my work.
I loved meeting you all & had a fab time in Amsterdam! Till next time! :)