It has been a long time ago that the Easter bunny came to visit me & the older I grew the less I believed it all of course. Especially when I once saw my dad hide the eggs again that I put in my basket so that I kept searching for ages. I think I was 8 or so. He cheekily told me he was teasing me & I probably believed it the first time but the second time I knew better of course.
I still smile when I think of that & when I was older, I used to do the same with my nieces and nephews. :)
Today, while I was busy trying out a new recipe, my partner came inside with a package for me. He said the Easter Bunny brought this and drove off by car right away. When I opened the bag, I read the card that accompagnied the package first and it said: 'no chocolate eggs for you this year, but something you can probably use really well' It wasn't signed with a name but when I saw what was in there, I knew immediately who the Easter Bunny was that dropped by my house...

It was the same person who left some really cool texture books at my home last week after we spend a really fun day in the studio together. That already made me mighty happy 'cause as you might know I can get really excited about textures & paper.
But the package contained an even bigger surprise: vintage letterpress stamps.

You have NO idea how surprised and happy I was! Such beautiful font and a perfect size too! Love love love 'em!
Jippety jappety happy with this new toy and I can't wait to make & create with these.

Thank you so much,
Ann for making me believe in the Easter bunny again! ;)

Ann has her own artsy studio called '
De Zilverij' where she gives lots of workshops in Silver Art Clay. Check out
her work, it's beautiful just as she is! :)