Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Flickr Favorites

It's the first Tuesday of the month so we play by theme if you like. And the theme is 'food'.

I love food. No wait, I LOVE food!
Not only to eat it of course but it's so pretty in many aspects. I drool when I see all the lovely foodblogs like Smitten Kitchen, sweet Paul or Canelle & Vanille. I love to browse markets, watch cooking shows on tv and try out a few recipes myself once in a while.
But lately, it's my partner who is cooking up most of our meals as I'm a bit too busy to be in the kitchen much. I miss it though and I look forward to some quality time at the end of November when things will be a bit less hectic in my studio.
The above images are things that I love: milk and biscuits, our cat waiting patiently to when her foodbowl is filled and 2 recipes I'm dying to try out soon.