Monday, May 4, 2009

Last tagging for a while...

Monika from Red2White tagged me with few questions and I'm answering them right away so I have it over and done with.

There is something about tagging though...
It feels nice when someone tags you 'cause it makes you feel special. On the other hand, I always *sigh* when I get tagged because that means I'm kind of forced to participate a tagging game - even when I don't feel like it. I'm just being honest here: I have been tagged so many times that there are no people left who I haven't tagged myself. I kind of feel bad to pick the same people over and over again, so recently, I always said: 'tag, you're it!' so that anyone who wanted to play, could play. I think that's a fair way to go. There are some really cool tagging games out there and I love to read all the answers and learn more about the person who got tagged so I do hope that lots of people will still play tagging games.
But to make it officially: this is the last time I played, no more tagging for a while. ;)

What are your current obsessions? Claying & babuschka's. They basicly have taken over my life at the moment. And if I'm not claying babuschka's, I'm crocheting them!

What are you currently reading? The Botz glaze catalog. I know, not very exciting to many of you but I'm drooling over all the neat colors of glazes and engobes out there. Even though I love the whiteness of ceramics, I plan to make some kitchenware for myself & as you know: I love colors! :)

Where do you plan to travel to next? To the nearest supply shop.

What is your dream career? Haven't quite figured that out yet but what I do now comes pretty close! :)

What is your favourite film ever? Difficult as I love movies but the one that touched me most was probably 'Como Agua para chocolate'

Care to share some wisdom? You only live once.

Where would you rather be right now? On the beach collecting stuff.

What is your desert island disc? I like the sound of quiet.

If you could be any animal other than human, what would you be? A bird.

What is your favorite flower? Ranunculus

What is your favorite art supply? I added this question and I think it's quite obvious: clay!

The rules are to answer the questions, replacing one and adding another, and then to tag eight other bloggers to do the same. Whoever likes to join in, please, feel tagged!

Monika also reads my newsletter and I think she felt sorry for me when I wrote in what state my hands are nowadays: dry and painful and when I'm sanding they sometimes even bleed.
I have very sensitive skin and working with clay just dries my hands out tremendously so I use lots and lots of handcream when I'm done.
So, I was pleasantly surprised to find this gift from Monika in my mailbox last week! Thank you Monika! I'll sure be a more happy clayer now! :) and I love the postcard of the Loch Ness Monster! :)
I also got a 'Your blog rocks'-award from 21.
She made the drawing herself and revamped it at befunky. How cool!
Thank you 21! :)
I have the same feeling about 'blog-awards' as with 'tagging': a lot of people deserve this award so who am I to pick just five? All bloggers out there: your blog rocks! :) *passes out the award* :)

Don't forget to enter the give away below! :)


  1. Thanks Steph! I enjoyed reading your answers! :)

  2. Oh! What a nice thought to send you hand cream :) How sweet!

  3. Oh--I get dry hands, too. I like your answers, esp. the one about being on a beach collecting stuff. :-)

  4. Thank you, Mitsy, you said it well about the tagging and awards. I find it hard to find people who would like to play and then contact them, link to them... that takes so much time.
    But thank you for playing!

  5. I like the sound of quiet it is just beautiful.



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