Thursday, May 7, 2009

My creative space

My creative space today is the procteted kitchentable & the sink.
Recently, I fired some test tiles to test oxydes for the wall art feelings I'm working on. I bought all the supplies & know how they will more or less look but I love testing them out anyway. All these different textures will give different results and I'm looking forward to fire them & see how they've become. Like with paint, you can also mix oxydes together to get different shades of colors so I could make 1000 of testtiles that all look different but I'll go with the basics for now! :)
Oxydes consist of powder and you mix them with a bit of water. With a brush you apply it to the tile and let it sit for a few moments. Then you hold it underneath running water and rub the substance off. Some of it will stay in the texture of the tile so that it will give a slight color to the ceramics.
You don't get bright and happy colors with this but the effect is kind of rough & natural - I like it a lot.
I'll fire these tiles tommorrow and will show you sometime next week how they came out.

I also tested out some engobes by applying it very thin to leatherhard clay, let it dry and then scratched into it etc. These are engobes that I bought but when I have a bit more time on my hands, I'll be making my own as I have all the supplies at home. And like with the oxydes: many possiblities.
Ceramics really is a different world where you can explore endlessly...
I have to move my bum now and start claying so I can fire the kiln tonight. I made a few gifts that need to be fired by sunday so I don't have time to draw a winner for the happy package give away. But I'll do that tommorrow so if you haven't entered you can still do so...
Don't forget to enter the give away below! :)

Want to show your creative space? Hop over to Kootoyoo's blog to play! It's fun! :)


  1. Mitsy, these are gorgeous...hey, I wanna move to your neighbourhood, so I can touch them all :-)

  2. I am so curious how they will look like when they are fired !

  3. they look so beautiful all lined up like that. a wall art piece for your studio :)

  4. aaaah the joy of having your own kiln!
    I like workign with oxides too, although I can't get them at the Atelier... so I stick to engobes and glazing.

    You could make a mural with all those testtiles. THey look great!

  5. Your wall art is progressing beautifully. Look forward to seeing the pieces fired. Your productivity and creativity is amazing!

  6. Ooooooohhhh, you make me want to learn ceramics even more!

  7. Ohhh the oxydes look so very beautiful, perfect texture and color for my liking!

  8. Wow, another great idea for your mini feelings. When do you have time for everything :)

  9. omigod I love these. I would so like to try my hand at that kind of thing some day. Maybe I can figure out how to do something similar in digital form!

    Really nice well layed out post. I love clarity.

  10. Hi,

    The layout is just one of the poster options in Pages (Apple's Word).

    About the blanket. I did 3 squares, but I think that it isn't my "cup of tea". It doesn't look that nice as yours or the others... It's to rough as well(probably the yarn)...

    But we'll see.. I might buy a book on crochet today and try it again ;)

    Have a nice evening!


  11. Wow, they look lovely will all those earthy colors!

  12. Oh they are gorgeous! My favourite is the lovely mustard colour. So lovely!
    Sophie x

  13. I love your space every single week. It's all just beautiful.

  14. They are looking really good - can't wait to see what they look like once they are fired :)

  15. Do you ever make pendants with these sample tiles? Man oh man. Just punch a hole in the top. We sell some hand made clay pendants just like the tiles you were making at the bead store I work at. They're outta control.

  16. Amazing as usual! I remember doing something similar to this in high school ceramics class. It was exciting to see how the colours changed so much from painting on, to drying to being fired. It's like getting 3 different goes at something!

  17. They look wonderfull.
    I agree with Erin - why not make them pendant or broches.


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