Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dream in progress... part 11

Time to update you on the progress of my Babette blanket. I finished crocheting the remaining three 6-round squares. When I put them away in my box I saw all the thread ends screaming at me. So I decided to sew in all the ends before I would continue crocheting on the last 7 8-round squares. I'll be doing lots more sewing when putting the blanket together so I'm just spreading it a bit. If anyone is starting a blanket, I advise you to sew in all ends after every round! :) But I can't show you the done pile yet, as I have been too busy claying this week.
Hopefully finished piles next week! :)

I created a Babette blanket set on Flickr so you can see the progress all together! :)


  1. Looks very pretty :)

  2. That's going to be so comfy and awesome!

  3. Such a colorful pile! Can't you use the ends to sew it all together?

  4. I think it should be done that way, Inger, but I didn't leave enough thread to do it that way. Besides, there are thread every time you change color and as you can see: I changed lots of colors! ;)

  5. They look awesome together, wonderful colors combo! Such a patient:)

  6. Good luck with the sewing, the most boring part bwaaah :)

  7. oooh what a pile.... of work :-)
    Veerle heeft heen trekje om opzet de draadjes direct mee te haken, dan hoef je ze niet meer in te stoppen achteraf....

  8. Wow! Great work! Lovely colors! Hiding all of the ends is really boring, but finished blanket must be amazing :)

  9. Looking good Mitsy!! Keep at it, you will be rewarded big time once you've finished it!

  10. Oh, en Greet; je kunt alleen de begindraad meehaken, niet de einddraad ;-)
    Geen omtkomen aan Mitsy, it's a dirty job, but.. Think of your blankie when it's aaaall done! xo

  11. That's what I thought, Huismus!
    Only I discovered that trick far too late! ;)

  12. So delish. Love all the colors. What a wonderful idea for my next project. Can't wait to see the finish product. I know the piece together is my least favorite part, until it's all done. Then I'm crazy about it.

  13. I can't wait to see the finished blanket! the squares turned out so bright and colorful that I'm tempted to buy the pattern!! It will be perfect for my baby nest. ;)

  14. This is going to be the most incredible flying carpet dream blanket! I will patiently wait to see the end product! Rather impatiently!

  15. Looks so good so far, you've been a busy girl!

  16. I have just started many granny squares for a blanket and am going to take your advice. That pile looks just where I am heading. Can't wait to see the finished blanket - the colours are great!

  17. You are one brave hardworking woman!

  18. This blanket is going to be awesome Mitsy!

  19. looking at all those squares, I'm having visions of snuggling down in a comfy chair under a warm blanket with a good book.

  20. oh it's looking so fab! i'm getting excited for you at the thought of it being finished... although i don't envy all that sewing one bit ;)

    thanks for stopping by my blog again and for your sweet comments... :)

    have a great day,

  21. OOooohhh, I love all those colours. :)


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