Sunday, September 13, 2009

Inspiration + experiment = creation

Last week, I was reading one of my favorite blogs 'The red thread' by Lisa Tilse. I love to visit it because it's an amazing source of inspiration, it bursts of creativity & it has this whimsical twist that I love! Last monday I bumped into this post that inspired me to make this...

a paper boat
a fabric boat drenched in clay slib
a kiln fired ceramic boatDo you think I will need to take up origami soon? :)

Happy sunday everyone!
I'll be at a craftfair today and hope I can show you some pictures tommorrow! :)
And I'll draw a winner for the give-away when I get back from the fair so you can still enter here...


  1. How fun! What a fun idea to try making the boat in different mediums. So cool.

  2. Very cool!

    Suddenly I see tons of fun things to make.

    Maybe a felted flower drenced and kilned...that would look amazing too...the thin leaves

    Hope you had a fun day!

  3. Fun! I wonder how people make fabric origami without firing..

  4. folded cranes would look great like that :D neat idea

  5. really really cool - what kind of fabric? would rag paper work too?

  6. Hi musty: You know what: I'll come and learn how to work with clay and I'll teach you how to fold origami! It was a passion for me when I was about 12-15 yrs old. I still know some things by mind how to fold and I hvae several books with examples and instructions.
    I hope you had a good fair!

  7. It's great! Today, I was cutting out paper people for my shop!!

  8. I love the idea!
    I would think seriously about the origami.....

  9. Oh wow, amazing; glad my le petit bateau kits inspired you so. I would be very pleased if I could string a row ceramic 'paper' boats.

  10. Thanks for the shout out Mitsy. I love to visit your blog too, so the feeling is more than mutual!
    Your little boat creations are just lovely. There's something lovely about that simple shape.

    Have a look at these origami inspired ceramics - I'm sure you'll love them:


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