Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dream in progress... part 12

I took all the squares that needed to be sewn in to the fair last sunday in case I could do some work while people were looking around.
I also took a second needle in case my friend felt like helping me! Haha, and she did! We did get quite a lot done in between and it certainly was more fun to sew together then do the boring task by myself.I'm quite happy to be able to show you all the finished sewn in squares. Now I'll finish the last round of squares I need to crochet and then I can start putting my Babette blanket together. How exciting! :)
I created a Babette blanket set on Flickr so you can see the progress all together! :)


  1. Wow... This looks great. Can't wait to see it all put together. A Babette is next on my list. I looks like a ton of fun.

  2. OMG... I just saw it's 8am there. Looked at the clock and it's 1am here. I'm the one who need to get to bed...

    Good Night.. The Garden Bell

  3. Wow, Very colourful and well done. Having a partner isnt lonely when it comes to crafting.

  4. love your pics as always!! And it is so much fun to see all your posts and steps to the final "mission" =D

  5. well done to you! Looking gorgeous and can't wait to see the blanket finished .. so close now!

    what a fabulous friend you have :)

  6. I thought when you said Sewing them, that you were actually going to sew them together... as in assembling the blanket! Looks fabulous so far...

  7. always nice to do things like that with a friend. Makes the time pass so fast :) all your squares look great, looking forward to seeing it together :)

  8. Looks like you got lots done. Four hands are better than two. LOL

    If you get a chance stop by my blog i'm have a pumpkin giveaway.

    Have a beautiful weekend

  9. You didn't throw away the ends did you??
    they'd be fantastic structure in a scarf, send em to me and I'll make them into a scarf for you!



  11. B E A U T I F U L !!!

  12. what a long process, Once it's all done I bet you'll be snuggling down under that blanket and appreciating all the time and energy you put into it

  13. It's looking good! Can't wait to see the progress photo's!

  14. i love the way your yarn & colors work together! your blog has been such an inspiration and i really want to make one this year. but i was wondering: did you use a bunch of different brands? or did you just buy a bunch of yarn just for the project?


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