Friday, September 18, 2009

The secret project... work in progress

I went into our garden and looked for leaves...
... 'cause I wanted to mould them because of their texture.After the mould dried, I pressed little bits of porcelain clay into the textures.
Will definately make more moulds with more leave textures - I love these!I cheekily pressed a sea urchin I got from Star of the East into the plaster too.
Too bad that it doesn't come out so I'll have to find another way to mould urchins...I also collected some random stones...
... and pressed them in some plaster too.I love the irregular structure.
And here is the result when it's fired: rough and rugged! wow!And shells and corals have lovely structures too...I don't dare to mould these the regular way because I don't want to ruin them so I use an alternative way with plasticine.
Anyone knows what this derives from? I think I picked it up on a beach in Queensland, Australia once but I'm not sure.And here is a the collection of porcelain bits that I pressed onto the shells and sea creatures.
I will need to go to an exotic beach to find more amazing stuff! I love these!

To know the idea behind the secret project, go read the first blogpost here or click on the label 'the secret project' to see all the posts about it.
Can't wait to receive your guesses but think about it carefully 'cause you can only guess once! :)


  1. Oh Mitsy, I LOVE what you're doing! Lots of texture and no colour... be still my heart!!

    I can't wait to see what the secret project is.

  2. This looks so very wonderful, all that texture!

  3. Mitsy, these can be a new project that we talked about, what do you think? I love them all!!!

  4. I love the textures & shapes!!! Looks wonderful!!

  5. This looks wonderful, pitty that the first urchin didn't work out hope they next ones do :)

  6. Awesome! The leaves turned out great!

  7. These are wonderful! Can I do them with silver?:)

  8. So beautiful! I feel tempted to try something like this in my new ceramics class. Thanks for the inspiration:)

  9. I love the leaf imprints. Is the mystery shell called a 'sand dollar'?

  10. I am like a kid wanting to guess what you are making. The leaves look great, fabulous textures.

  11. Love, love, love these textures. Makes me want to go on a hike, or to the beach - can't wait for summer!

  12. You should turn those leaves into buttons - they would look so good :)

  13. wow Mitsy those leaves are wonderful!!

  14. The leaves are my favotites too!
    Still don't know who you are collabarting with, well I have an idea....

  15. Fantastic work! I love those sea shells & coral!

  16. So nice.....I love the leaves. Inspiration!

  17. How wonderful! I already guessed once, and was probably way off... but these would look cool on a christmas tree!

  18. Wow! There is nothing you can't do! So many ideas of things to do with clay! And they are actually cool, you know!

  19. I love the natural objects being created into clay.
    All the different textures are so inspiring! :)


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