Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Flickr Favorites

1. 74.365 - Party Time!, 2. Happy New Year, 3. ready for a slice of "high" cake ?, 4. slip-n-slide queue - _MG_8480

These Flickr favorites are to celebrate my 500th blogpost! YaY! :)
I've been blogging for nearly 2 years and I'm in the category 'addicted' I'm afraid.

In the beginning I found it really hard to find subjects to blog about - well, I didn't think I had much interesting stuff to share.
Last fall/winter, I posted a new mini-art feeling nearly each day and I was delighted to have the readers of my blog being excited about the '99-feelings'-project.
The past year I've also been showing a lot of my creative processes & tutorials. It's nice to share and reading all the comments on my blog makes me feel like I'm on cloud nine...
So here's a big thank you for you all! *clap*clap*clap* *serves cake to everyone*

That's why I wanted to make a festive mosaic today. Celebrating with cake, balloons and fireworks. And more... I invite you all to stand in the slip-and-slide queue for even more fun! :) I simply loved that pic and couldn't resist using it in my mosaic! :)

If you like to play this week, make your mosaic and add a link to your blogpost (NOT your blog please) or Flickr in Mister Linky (click on the button below and fill in your name with the link to your blogpost or Flickr picture). I'll pop over to have a look at yours. Can't wait to see your creations and find new favorites! :)


  1. Congrats with 500 posts! Your blog is very interesting!

  2. Happy 500th post!!!! It's a delight to have you sharing your world and creations every day... sometimes not all of us can catch up haahah but we try!

    THat cake made me hungry....

  3. congratulations! I keep loving reading your blog!

  4. what a great collection to celebrate such a great milestone! congratulations on a wonderful blog! jess xx

  5. Wow, 500 posts. Congrats Mitsy dear. Nice mosaic too. *pops champagne!*

  6. Wow super congrats!!
    You are really an addict, more then I am as you almost blogged double as much in almost the same time :)

  7. wow congrats !!
    Beautiful collage !!

  8. Oh happy happy 500th, my lovely! Raising a glass of virtual champagne to you. Lovely images too.

    I'm a bit concerned though I've almost reached 500 in just over a year... if you're an addict what does that make me?! Should I seek help?

  9. Congrats Mitsy!
    Your blog is absolutely wonderful :)

  10. Thank you all for celebrating my 500th post with me! I'm so happy you are all here! :)

    Lisa, well, I don't think you should go and seek help as I love your blog! LOL :)

  11. Yeah! Partyyyy!
    I am so lazy with my own blogs...I didn't even blog about Maastricht yet :/

  12. wow!!!! congrats Mitsy for your 5oo posts!!!!!
    You are great!!!!!

  13. OMG Mitsy, where do you get all these inspiration, I lover reading your blog and am impressed with what you come up every day!
    Congrats!!!!! YAY!

  14. Waiter, champagne!!
    *drinking champagne w Mitsy*

  15. Congratulations Mitsy!! Fabulous milestone + fabulous blog :) K

  16. Congratulations Mitsy!
    *pops the champagne bottle open

    Your blog makes people happy, keep on going girl:)

  17. 500 interesting posts! That is quite an achievement :) Congrats !

  18. Congrats on your 500th post Mitsy! I love your blog and look forward to all the future ones as well. :)

  19. Congratulations!
    And thank you for keeping us inspired :)

  20. Congrats! Happy 500th...and many more!

  21. 500?! WOW amazing, Mitsy. You are my blogging idol :-)

  22. Awesome number of most delightful posts, on to the next 500!

    *munches on a big piece of cake*

  23. I love it and I love your blog! Congratulations!

  24. Congrats! Can't wait for the next 500 posts :D

  25. I absolutely love the photos you chose! Congrats!

  26. Congratulations and thanks for the mosaic maker link!
    hugs barbara


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