Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Plok Plok

About a week ago, we were invited to dinner at one of my friends house. I've know her for about 20 years and it's one of those friends that you feel at ease with even though you haven't seen each other for a long time.
We travelled together through Nepal & Turkey many years ago and I must say that these were my best travels ever. It still makes me laugh out loud when we talk about it.
Years passed were we only called each other once or twice but that didn't really matter. At the end of last year, she called me and told me she was going to move to the neighborhood we live in, actually around the corner! :) She lives there with her husband Halil and daughter Boussé. While we were having dinner, they were telling us that they were going to buy two chickens.
Erwin and I looked at each other and I actually squeeled a bit and Lieve knew right away what this was about... We have always wanted to have a chicken but our garden is too small to have them there. Initially we did plan to sacrifice our garden set for a chicken hotel. It never happened though. But Lieve said she wouldn't mind to buy 3 chickens and we could 'rent' a room in the chicken apartment. YAY! :)
I asked her to get a 'real' chicken which for me is light brown. She and Boussé had a hard time choosing the chickens at the market much to dismay of the seller who said 'a chicken is a chicken'. Sjeez, he didn't seem to understand that choosing a chicken is part of the fun.
Anyway, here is the new extension to our family...

Her name is 'PlokPlok'
Her she is with her sisters.
This is the chicken hotel.
Hopefully they will treat us with lots of eggs..
Here is where they sleep.
She feels already very much at home here!
We are so happy to have a chicken and the best thing is that PlokPlok will make sure that Lieve and I get to see each other more frequently now! :)


  1. I love Plok Plok's colouring.

    My parents had chickens for awhile and my husband's Grandma also had them when he was growing up. I think you may have to get yourself a rooster in order to get the eggs you are looking for.

    Since we've moved into a house with a yard I'm getting more and more into the idea of having a garden. If we were able to also have chickens that would be so cool.

    Have fun with your new family member.

  2. *squeals loudly* How fun!! And what a great way to have a chicken without the space for one!

  3. Ahahaaa!!! :) Congrats to the new family member!

  4. What a lovely hen! Plok-Plok will be much happier as part of a flock and she won't need a rooster to lay you lots of yummy eggs. My 3 lay every day and not a cockerel in sight!

  5. Hi Plok Plok. My name is Bai. Nice to meet you.

  6. Heheeee Congrats! :)
    Plokplok looks very cute chick! I am sure she likes this arrangement where she can share her room with her brother&sister :)

  7. you have a super cute 'new family member' Mitsy!:)

  8. What a delightful pet to have--and this one lays eggs!

  9. Oh, she's so cute...she looks like the little red hen of the storybook! She'll certainly be very happy in that adorable house with her sisters!

  10. eeps! I'm so jealous! I want chickens and cows be we haven't the room for them. Hubby thinks I'm just mad really. Congratulations! :D

  11. Congratulations to the new family member! She is adorable! :D

  12. plok polk is a very lucky girl to have you as her mummy! she's adorable :) happy egg hunting and please say hi to Lieve and Halil for me!

  13. She looks great and you gave her a great name too! The hotel looks very comfy, love the evil eye detail ;)

  14. I love chickens!! Unfortunately we don't have the room for them at the moment.

  15. oooh mitsy, we have chickens too,
    I am sure she will reward you with many yummie eggs!!

  16. Hahaha, how funny you are! :-)
    Have fun with the hen :-)

  17. LOL Mitsy!!!!!!
    this post make me laugh sooo much!!!!!
    you're the best!!!!

  18. So nice news! You will soon start selling eggs on a local market, I bet;)

  19. How lovely! PlokPlok is nice new family member!

  20. Ah yes, fun! My parents have them too. They let the eggs hatch for once and now they have as many roosters as chickes, haha!

  21. I want a chicken too! :)

    And I will call her: "TokTok" :P

  22. What a cute chickie :D
    Congrats on the expansion of your family, Mitsy!

  23. So cute! I'd love to have chickens too...but with the cats, not sure it's a good idea...

  24. ha ha, your story made me laugh out loud! And yes, a chicken of course is not a chicken!!!!

  25. How cute! My mother used to have chickens, and they'd die old, because we couldn't kill them...

  26. congrats on the new family member :)

  27. Too cute. Love the little chickens. What fun to have around.
    Short and Sweeet today.

    Just threw some morning walk pictures on my blog and am heading back out to enjoy this perfect day.

  28. nice hotel for the chickens :) I really want a few, but don't have the space, plus way too many feral cats in the area :/

  29. they look so cute - I have a friend with some chickens - I was amazed how they can be like little pets too - and so funny to see them racing round the corner togeher when they hear her voice :)

    Hope you have fun with yours!

  30. such a sweet story on every level!
    kisses to your ladies :)

  31. What a lovely story Mitsy! Plok-Plok is such a great name. And the chicken hotel?! Fab!

    My husband grew up on a farm with chickens as pets, so we too have chickens in our very small garden. We have 3 and they are excatly the same colours as Plok-Plok and her 2 friends.

    They do make nice pets and have very definite personalitites too.

  32. welcome to plokplok ! She gets a real chicken palace; what a lovely house ! And she will be happy there with her sisters ! Fresh eggs are the best !


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