Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dream in progress... part 16

Ohh, it's coming together at last! I have joined 8 of 10 parts and am actually able to cover myself already! Still 2 more to join and... sew in all the ends at the back! ;)I really dislike sewing in all the ends but it has got to be done. Hopefully I'll manage to get it done this week. Than I can start thinking about what color to use for the border. Any ideas?


  1. Wow - it is looking gorgeous. I'd choose my edge colour depending on where I wanted to use it. Failing of the tuquoise or green shades you've used !


  2. Wow, it is almost finished :)
    It looks lovely !!

  3. oh Mitsy, this is such a beautiful blanket !!! If I could, I'd order one immediately. It can be a little smaller and you'd have time to finish it untill early March 2010 :)))

  4. Yay, it looks so cool! Good luck with the weving in of enhds - it's my least fave thing to do as well. ;)

  5. That's a special blanket, really really gorgeous. I would use a blue yarn for the edge, I don't know why, it was just an instinctive choice.

  6. I would go for the soft green so that it doesn't get too much attention :)
    Your doing great and it will be finished before 2010 yaay! :)

  7. Yay! How cool it looks.. just fabulous!
    Well done, keep going!! I'd go for a color that fits the place you're going to use it too.. keep us posted please? xo

  8. theres lots of blues, so I would use some kind of blue as a border, or use the opposite colour to mess with people's eyes ;)

  9. I would use that mossy green color that's in some of the auares- that way it won't look like the design is boxed in. Unless that's what you want... then I'd go with one of the bright blues you used. It's lovely! So cheery. :)

  10. Only a few steps remained, keep going! It looks is almost inspires me to learn crocheting. :-)

  11. It looks fabulous Mitsy! Just love it so much - does it have to have a border? I just love the anarchic look of the whole thing and containing it in a border just feels wrong somehow... sorry to be a fly in the ointment ;)
    Kylie x

  12. Gorgeous! Love the colors! My hands are itching to start crochetting ;)
    Personally I'd use one of the warm red/pinkish colors, but the lovely green or yellow would be wonderful too :)

  13. it is looking great! finishing the ends has to be the worst possible job, but when you are finished there will be such a great sense of satisfaction!
    as for the border i think black would look great... although it depends on how much of a border you're planning to do...?


  14. Oh Mitsy this is coming along beautifully! I found with my crochet blankets I would sew in the ends a little as I went along, because the thought of doing them all at once overwhelmed me!

    Call me boring but I think a simple cream border around the edge would tie it all together beautifully. Oh I can't wait to see it all finished!! :)

  15. I love this blanket. It's look fantastic, how about white for the border? Then the colours will really pop! xo

  16. Oh! You are so close Mitsy! So close! Just in time for cold weather.

  17. I'm a bit jealous. What a beautiful blanket. I'm not that patient to make such a large one.

  18. Wow, this is beautiful, so colorful and playful! It makes me want to go snuggle with something right now, haha.

    I would recommended a pale green border, it would tie everything together nicely.


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