Friday, October 30, 2009

Secret Santa wants to know...

... what is something unique and awesome about you ...
I try to be fluffy all the time.
I have a 6th sense.
I'm a positive thinker.
I am told that I'm really funny...
I am really mundane.I always know how to get somewhere, even if I've never been there before.
I can make things out of nothing
Look at what is made with all the things below.
I can listenI can make things happen when I really want to.I was diagnosed with leukemia at 16 and had a bone marrow transplant at the time.
My sister was the donor and it was a perfect matc, luckily.
It's been almost 10 years since that time, and I feel very lucky to be here.
I speak with cats.
I smile a lot.
I live in a fairytale.
I can speak 5 languages.
I'm very patient.
I'm very tall.
I'm just perfect... :)
I do 10 things at one time.
I make the best pasta sauce ever...
I can raise one eyebrow.
I look and feel much younger as I am biologically
I'm fast...
All images found via Flickr or Google pictures

Secret Santa is a game played by the European Streetteam on Etsy. The idea behind the Secret Santa is that you make something for a teammember and also receive a gift yourself.
Since I try to organise the game for our team, I get a lovely reward: reading all the questionnaires and knowing all the teammember's secrets! :)
What I also know is that lots of people of the team would like to read them all too... That's why I share part of the answers on the questions in my blog. And even though it's anonymous, it's still fun to read what other people wrote... Hope you enjoyed to have a peek in our team.


  1. We're such a colorful team with many many specialties! No wonder it's the best team on Etsy :)

  2. I love reading the posts you write about our little game! It's so fun to learn about the other team members!!! Thank you!

  3. :D What a way to start the Friday morning! :)
    I loved the fluffy one most :D:D
    Thanks for beeing you :)

  4. That was lovely for starting my morning!!!
    =D thanks!

  5. Oh, you've brightened my morning with this fun post, thanks!

  6. I love these Secret Santa posts, the photos always make me grin. Just perfect for a Friday morning! :D

  7. Thank you so very much dear Mitsy! Cool pics!!!

  8. I'm lauging on the floor--it would have been so much fun to read those interviews--lucky you--and thanks for the Friday posts!

  9. Very cool facts! and you must spent ages on finding all those cool pics!

  10. Thank you!!! This is really fun! I love the fluffy!!!!!

  11. hehe, this blopost makes me laugh!
    you found a bunch of cool and funny pictures!

  12. thanks for this post - made my morning!

  13. This post made me smile:) Thanks for sharing!

  14. Heeheee... the pics are so well related to the description, and makes me laugh. Coolness!!! :) I love the way our team is described individually as a whole.

  15. fluffy!!! i bet i know who that is! :D

  16. I LOVE this team! Everybody is so clever and creative. Thanks for sharing Mitsy. It's a super cute post.

  17. Oh, how hilarious!!! I loved all of them but that fluffy photo just cracked me up! Thanks for sharing these Mitsy :) K

  18. :=) Huge smile, what a great way to start my day...finally...

  19. Great! thank you for sharing us!!

  20. How great! Couldn't resist the kitty, of course :)
    Thank you for sharing Mitsy!

  21. What a fun entry with wonderful photos!

  22. Thank you Mitsy you just made my day...lovely post :D

  23. Mitsy I had a wonderful time reading and seeing these clever pictures.

  24. this is the ultimate blog posting .... secret santa rules thank you so much Mitsy ...youve made me laugh and laugh !!!!

  25. super picture findings and answers I never even have thought at, hihihihi
    Lucky you The Secret keeper!

  26. I love this post, your Secret Santa stuff sounds fun. I really adore the positive thinking pic, too cute

  27. Amazing Mitsy!!! Thanks so putting this together!

  28. these posts are so much fun and the photo's are just perfect !! thanks Mitsy :))

  29. I love it!
    I love the way you did it all!!

  30. AHAHAHAHA! I've read this before, but the pics weren't showing!
    Can you guess who's the bunny? hiihihih

    I loved it Mitsy, we're a very speaciel bunch of people :)


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