Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dream in progress... part 17

I can't believe I sewed in ALL the ends on my Babette blanket this week. Yay, I'm such a good girl sometimes! And what a relieve to get it over and done with too.
I also would like to thank you for all the lovely suggestions I got on the use of the border color last week. Kylie suggested to be a rebel and not use a border at all. Even though I AM a rebel on many things, I do like a border somehow. Still I couldn't make up my mind so I decided to do some quick samples to show you.
Turquoise and (soft) green were two suggestions that were mentioned most. I also liked the idea of a red border somehow. I remember that in the very beginning of my blanket I found the red kind of harsh and then someone mentioned in the comments that it would look really good on the blanket in the end. I didn't believe her right away, but I certainly do now. Thank you to whoever convinced me not to leave the red out.
Will you help me pick one last time? I promise to show you a completely finished blanket next week! :)
Here is the blanket with 4 different corner colors.A close up of the corners.Some suggested to use black or cream/white.Difficult choice huh?
Psst... the yarn for my new project arrived too! Wanna see?
Click on the picture to see where I got the yarn... Beware dangerous place! :)


  1. The green from the top left corner would be my choice :D

  2. the lime or red one both are fantastic!

  3. Same here the green on the left top!
    And are you crazyyy??? another blanket waaahhhh :D

  4. Very cool! Also the new pattern! :)

  5. Lovely blanket, i like the lime green to :-) Beautiful yarn, what is it?

  6. Anonymous, the yarn on the picture below is 100% merino yarn but I'll give more details when I start my next project. :)

  7. I would definetely go for the red!
    I think it would make your blanket more 'chic', more 'adult',more 'design', ...

    Eager to see what you will do with the new yarn.

    And congrats on the progress you made in the art of crocheting ... remember your first try?

  8. Oh my god! It looks amazing - Mitsy only a few steps to finish!

    I would say red :-)

  9. yep, the mossy green!!! or the turquoise?

    god, it's difficult to chose!

  10. And how about a colorful border?? It looks great to me just as it is now, and the two colors would meet at the half of each side. Or it would be too much? :)

  11. yay! for a nearly realised dream... ;)

    i think i suggested black last time, but after seeing the olive green (top left) i think this works best... it doesn't overpower the rest of the blanket as some of the other colours do... :)

    oh, and gorgeous colours for your new project... are you thinking ripples!?


  12. Good on you, busy girl :) Looks so lovely! I agree with Renate. The darker green would be my choice too or creme perhaps. I'm not sure. Will the next blanket for me??? *wide cheeky grin*

  13. Oh wow! I love ripple blankets and that tutorial is just fabulous! Love your gorgeous yarn too. Have fun with this :)
    Now, border issues... Thank you for making me look more of a rebel than I am! ;) If I had to choose I think I'd go with either the green in the top left corner or the white/cream... all the others either dominant too much or detract from the vibrant colours.
    Good luck Mitsy! It looks divine :) K x

  14. I like the turquoise or the green in the top left corner. Either one would look great, I think the red is a bit heavy too. The green and blue will kind of lift it without dominating it..does that make sense. It is truly a beautiful, gorgeous blanket and I can't wait to see it all finished. Good on you for sewing all those little ends in, what a job!! Enjoy finishing it off xo

  15. The apple green would be my favourite.

  16. It's fantastic what you made!

    Would you like to tell me where you buy the yarn?


  17. My vote is for red. As it's the heaviest colour, it will really tie everything together.
    It's absolutely gorgeous by the way!

  18. Wow it is so close to being finished and is looking fantastic. I think I would vote for the green on the top left too. Although I like the red too and even the turquoise. What about two rows of border?? Maybe I shouldn't suggest that!! :-) Anyway looks fantastic and if your using Attic24 as inspiration for the next project I'm sure it will be fantastic too!!

  19. Way to go, Mitsy!!
    Limegreen it is (upperleft corner), this will preserve the lovely retro look, in my opinion :)

  20. I like this a bit darker green. But red is also good.
    It's amazing blanket! I don't have such patience :) Congrats for almost reaching to the end with it :)

  21. i think the Turquoise or light green look better. the other colours I think look too harsh

  22. Love that you are putting a border around this and the different colored corners are great. I would do all four. Isn't it nice when that last sew-in is done. My least favorite part of a project like this.

    Now, about that new yarn. Fab!!!!!

    Do tell what kind,please...

    Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve next.

  23. I want want want that pile of yarn in the last photo! :D

    Yay, the blanket is really coming together! It's been fun following its progress. :) And you know, with the corners in different colours like that in the photo, I think I might go for that look, each corner a different border colour. But then I always made things (too) complicated. ;) But for a single one, I like either the red or the green in the top half the most.

  24. I am insisting on red and moss green:-)))

  25. If you cannot decide, you could make the border multi-colored as well :) Either one color for each corner or alternating colors all along the border.

    By the way, I loooove the yarn photo *me wants more yarn*

  26. Isn't it interesting...everyone has a different opinion! lol I guess we aren't much help! For what it is worth, I would go with the red! In the various needlework classes I have taken over the years, the teachers have unanimously taught to finish a project - quilting, needlepoint,rug hooking - with a dark color to "frame" the item. If you went with a lighter color, I would probably do an additional round of crab stitch in a dark color.

    First visit to your blog and it's great!

  27. Mitsy, I really like the bright green! It's coming together so nicely!

  28. Hmm....well I am still all for a cream boarder! I love simple boarders, and when you choose one of the colors I feel that makes the blanket somehow seem more "red" or "green" etc, instead of just really colorful!

    But, if I were to use one of the colors Red or the brighter Green for sure! :) Good Luck in whatever you choose. It will beautiful no matter what!

  29. Your blanket looks wonderful! I vote for red. Looks most like a real border. Keeps the whole thing really together.

  30. wow ~ this is amazing, so much effort you've put in. and tricky. my first reaction was the lime green in the top left, then i thought maybe a border around half the thickness ~ that way it's a border for sure but not as dominant. then i thought about the cream and thought maybe a thin cream one would look good {having a little trouble picturing it though :) }
    looking forward to seeing what you chose. your new one looks gorgeous {thanks for the link} ~ there's something delicious about merino too . . .

  31. good girl that you have finished it!! My fav is red!
    Don't know if asking others will make it easier, but it sure is fun and interactive, hihihihi!

    I am now gonna check the yarnshop.....

  32. oh green and no other - it is perfect as you have got quite a lot of greens and limes there, definitely not black or white on this blanket

    anyway it is beatiful!

  33. I'd pick the red, it's bold and makes the colours pop :D

  34. I go for the red or the darker green.
    Lovely blanket!!
    I learned recently that you save a lot of time if you crochet the ends along underneath the next color as you crochet along????
    That way you only have to sew up the very last end.

  35. I vote for the lime green too.....
    just LOVE your creation!

  36. Beginner hehehe...don't believe you its stunning and gorgeous love it
    Hugs Suz x

  37. no other words than...wonderful!!!!

  38. I vote for the green in the top left hand picture. Looks superb!

  39. Definitely the top-left corner green. It looks amazing!
    You are so incredibly talented. It
    seems like everything you try becomes a masterpiece!
    Thanks for the inspiration and your wonderful blog.
    ...can't wait to see what you 'have up your sleeve' next!!

  40. If it was me I would definitely use the top left corner green. Your babette is stunning.

  41. Love the green in the left corner! What a great project, I want one!

  42. I have a question for you. I did the blanket as well but I found out that it's not enough to cover all of me. I am trying to make it bigger so that I can veg out on the couch and be totally covered. How big your blanket turned out?

    I like the brightness of the red border. How about two borders?

  43. Lime green for me or the turquoise..fav colours
    love the Texere yarns brill colour choice for the up coming ripple x

  44. This blanket is amazing. I've always had a soft spot for grannysquare blankets - its nice to see a modern version.

    I'd vote for Lime - as the red seems to be a bit 1970's granny blanket (which would also be nice, but I think you've tried to do it a bit more modern)


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