Sunday, November 8, 2009

How to make recycled bags?

All the credit for the first part of this tutorial goes to my good friend Ana from Nanouke as it's her idea. I met her in Portugal recently after having virtually met through Etsy before. She's cool and crazy and you can only love her! :)
She gave me a beautiful Babuschka brooch and it was wrapped in coolest packaging ever. I asked her if I could do a tutorial on it and she didn't mind since she doesn't have time herself at the moment. So sit back and relax as this is easy as pie!
What do you need?
Old magazines, tape and sciccors
Tear out a fun page of the magazine.
Fold it in half.
Put tape on the open sides.
Cut away the tearing edge.
Fold over the top and cut part of the paper out.
A perfect bag for little items to give out on your market or fair.
If you need bigger bags, you can go to your local decoration store and
ask if they have old wallpaper books that they are getting rid off.
Tear out a page.
Fold it in half and add tape on the edges.
Cut off the tearing part.
Fold the top over and cut out a part.
Big bag for bigger items.
And here are some more simple but effective packaging ideas:
A brown paper bag adorned with paper doilies.
Add some stars to a transparant plastic bag.
Use some decoupage paper and put it with a white paper in a plastic bag.
Stamp a nice stamp on a Pergamin bag and add a paper doilie inside.
Add a fun stamp to white paper bags and close with a tiny clothespin.
In case you are purchasing something in my shop, most likely you will get something in your mailbox that looks like this. I scored some new packaging materials and I love to play around with wrapping. Nothing is more fun then getting something nicely packaged!


  1. This is the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. Can I link to your post and use your last photo of the dolly on my site so people will be tempted to click over to your site to see the post?


  2. These are very fun looking, I love playing with packaging too :) Such a great tutorial as always!

  3. Bellissime idee originali)
    GRAZIE ;)

  4. These all are great ideas. Love to recycle what I can. Have to save this one.

    Heading out to the recycle bin right now!!!!!

  5. Great and lovely ideas!! Thank you for sharing!!

  6. Great and green packaging ideas, always welcome!

  7. love your ideas. Lovely to have some inspiration.

  8. super tutorial!! Packaging doesn't ahve to be expensive at all! Men just need to have a whol bunch of time, hihihi

  9. I love it!
    great ideas! Really loved the ones where you use old magazines:)

  10. Beautiful and fun idea! :)
    I'll just might use some of the ideas :)
    Thank you!!!

  11. Wodnerful tutorial Mitsy !! I'm sure going to give some of the ideas a try :)

  12. Thanks a lot Mitsy!! This is very helpful!!

  13. Thank you, Mitsy for yet another outstanding, simple, and practical tutorial. Excellent!

    - Marnie a.k.a. Crafterall

  14. These are very inspiring ideas.Great article

  15. I absolutely love those stamps! So sweet!
    I love packaging stuff... christmas is THE time for that!

  16. I love your ideas and your tutorials :)

  17. Thanks so much for cool ideas Mitsy! Your packaging is beautiful! I still have that little girl attached to my USB drive, hehe. Thanks.

  18. Beautiful packaging ideas! I have some rolls of wall paper and I was wondering what I could do with I have some ideas, thanks :)

  19. Great! Thank you so much for sharing!

  20. Great! I need to make a lot of bags to the christmas fair. Only problem is to get hold of material!

  21. Mitsy, fantastic ideas! i will make some for my fairs. thanks thanks thanks!!!

  22. Some great ideas here Mitsy, thanks! I did something similar for the last market. I bought a pack of wedding cake bags that had cheesy graphics on the front. I then cut out origami paper and stuck it over the image and hey, presto! They were great little bags for brooches. xo

  23. I love the magazine-pages idea, extremely simple but for some weird reason I've never thought about doing something like that :) I'm pretty sure none of my magazines will be making it to the paperbin for quite some time.

    And your green packaging looks too cute, I love the little dolly

  24. Wow, these are great! Thanks to you and Ana! I'll be linking.

  25. This is so good! Thank you and Ana:)

  26. You know, I totally hadn't read this before I did today's flickr favourites. Just catching up with my favourite blogs now - we're so on the same wavelength when it comes to wrapping!

  27. Wow! It's so cute packaging! Mitsy, you made a great tuto! :)

  28. Fantastic making these for Christmas for SURE!

  29. Love this! Thanks so much for sharing!

  30. "How to make recycled bags?"

    Thanks for sharing

  31. I love using old magazines as wrapping and mini envelopes :)
    Great detail ideas too :)

    groetjes :)

  32. Thank you so much for blogging about them! It's so easy, isn't it?

    I have a tip tough, instead of cutting the ripped edge, I actually fold it and tape it (bottom) and use the straight edge up.

    And you can use two sheets to make a bigger bag.

    I also use them for my craft fairs, people love them :)

  33. thank you so much for those great ideas!!!!!!!

  34. Brilliant ideas! I'm just looking to rejig my packaging, so thanks for the ideas!

  35. I also have an idea.
    Search google for the "free interview magazine" these magazines are really huge. Not great reading material but good pictures to use on these gift bags. I will be posting tutorials soon on my blog come & visit.

    great tutorial as always- thanks.

  36. Awesome ideas
    Thank you for sharing

  37. Fantastic! Love this!
    How about old calendar pages?

  38. It is indeed interesting how much we can do with paper. We are not only showing our creativity but we are also becoming economical as we use various kinds of papers - brand new, used or recycled. Even shredded paper strips can be used to accessorize your paper craft project with their diverse colors and textures.

  39. Many of us simply do not have the time to make our own paper bags and prefer to purchase new ones but for me, I really make it a point to spare some time and choose nice magazine or wrapping paper that I cut out and turn into a simple paper bag that I may use as a gift bag. Paper has many uses indeed and it would be nice if we try to maximize like having our old papers shredded to serve other purposes.

  40. Hi!! Such a great tutorial, I agree completely with all the other comments!!
    I'd love to feature this tutorial on my blog, hope it's fine :-)


    -The Creative Muslimah @

  41. What an easy way to make a bag... love the handle. So cool. Thanks for sharing.

    xxx MOnica


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