Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The secret project... work in progress

Last monday I shipped a parcel to my secret partner. I made the first part of the production on the things we agreed on. I couldn't believe really how little it was in volume - so many teeny tiny bits but it will make for a good start I hope.
I put some things in there to surprise her although I could not wait to share pictures of it of course. I experimented with some red underglaze. Definately needs more tweeking but it looks cool I think. She replied saying that she'd be dreaming of red spots. Is that a good or a bad sign? :)And then she had asked me to make a kind of drop with a crackle glaze on the bottom.
I absolutely love this! I just couldn't wait any longer to share it with you. I think we should make more of these although I have no clue yet what she'll do with these! :)
I suppose it's my turn to be teased of what she'll do with it now... *sigh*
I think I loved teasing her and you better! :)As soon as I get so see some pictures of what she produces, I will show... I can't wait! :)

You can find more pictures of the finished products in my Flickr stream. I must admit I was quite impressed myself by the Barbie hands after they had been sanded and fired.

To know the idea behind the secret project, go read the first blogpost here or click on the label 'the secret project' to see all the posts about it.
Can't wait to receive your guesses but think about it carefully 'cause you can only guess once! :)
You can send your guess to and can not change your guess so think about it carefully...


  1. he he, i'm growing more curious with the minute!

  2. I think I know it for sure now, wish I had waited *sigh*
    Looking very promising all!

  3. Still no idea... :) Oh how long will you keep teasing us!?!?! :)

  4. I love these stuff, especially the red dots.
    I wanna be your secret partner as well! :-))))

  5. I love the crackled drop! Can't wait to see what these will all be used for :)

  6. They are just FANTASTIC, Mitsy!! I love the way you've photographed them on the blue card - it all looks so divine. The Barbie hands came up perfectly! I can just see them strung on a necklace or something - spooky but so gorgeous and funny! So glad you've had as much fun making these as we have sharing in them :) K x

    p.s. Some anticipation-teasing for you this time... I posted off your birthday ideas postcard today! :)

  7. I finally added you to my blogroll today...not sure what took me so long to realize I hadn't included you on it!


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