Friday, January 1, 2010

Feel good in 2010

It's a tradition that we sent out New Year's wishes to family & friends. Every year we try to come up with something fun & handmade.
This year we didn't have to think long....The text reads 'Feel good in 2010'. After a year filled with feelings, we thought that this was appropriate. I would like to wish you all the same. I hope that the year will be filled with laughter, joy and cake.
A good opportunity too to thank you all for supporting my work by always leaving the nicest comments & for the friendship I receive by so many of you.
I feel truly blessed with my blogreaders and you know that this blog wouldn't be here without you. Let's toast to an amazing year! :) *holds up a mug of coffee*


  1. Happy New Year Mitsy, it has been great to feel everything with you :)

  2. my very best wishes to you too Mitsy !

  3. Happy New Year Mitsy! xx

  4. happy new year to you too Mitsy!

    i really enjoyed your blog and humour last year :)

  5. Happy New Year, dear Mitsy! I'm happy, that I've become to know you. I wish you lots of inspiration and happiness!

  6. Happy new year Mitsy !! Love the card :)

    Looking forward to many blog posts from you in the new year as well :)

  7. Gelukkig nieuwjaar Mitsy!!
    Dat je dromen en wensen uitkomen endat jullie veel geluk hebben dit jaar!

  8. Happy New Year! Wish you luck, joy and love, health and ... lots of success with your business!

  9. Happy New Year to you and yours, Mitsy! I'm so glad that the blogosphere enabled me to find such a wonderful new friend!

  10. happy, happy New Year Mitsy! I love that i met you and your beautiful humor and artistry in 2009 and hope to visit you more often in 2010!

  11. een heel fijn, gezond en kreatief 2010 Mitsy !

  12. Gelukkig nieuw jaar! Dat 2010 je nog veel meer creativiteit, succes, liefde, geluk en gezondheid mag brengen :)

  13. Happy New Year and wishing you a jouyous time in 2010!

  14. Cake? Mmm... I made a peanut butter cake last year. I topped it with chocolate. Best cake ever. May I be able to make more this year.

    Thank you for the beauty you have shown me through your blog!

  15. Happiest of new beginnings to you. Cake sounds pretty good right now, I may just have to go bake one right now

  16. *clink* (with my can of diet coke- and wishing I had a scrumptious piece of cake) Happy New Year to you too- can't wait to see what you create in 2010!

  17. The happiest New Year to you as well Mitsy!

  18. Very cool and clever card! Love it!
    Happy New Year dear Mitsy! I wish you and your family many happy moments and smiles!

  19. Dear Mitsy, happiest new year ever and cant wait your creative surprises...

  20. hope you have a fabulously, creative, inspiring & happy year full of love & laughter.


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