Saturday, January 2, 2010


Normally I do a crochet post on Saturday to show you the progress on my project(s). Since I haven't been doing any crocheting lately, I decided to show of some exceptional knitting.
Some of you might remember me announcing winning the Poufiks from EvaForeva's blog-giveaway. Well, I'm going to show 'em off now... :)
But first I wanted to show you some of Jenya's work as she's supertalented! Her shop EvaForeva is filled with lucious hand knitted winter accesories and her designs are unique and fun. And she takes such cool pictures - it's a delight to look at her work!
Jenya has another shop called Forevamore where she sells unique handmade clothing and accessories that are all one of a kind. Can't wait to see her new spring/summer line.

And if that was not enough, I also like to share that she has a lovely blog! I love to go there and browse all the cool finds she posts there.
And if you are a tutorial-lover, I insist that you check out her blog as she has heaps of fun tutorials and Do-It-Yourself- ideas on her blog too! *drools*
Check out the sidebar on the right hand side for those!
And she quite often has give-away's so I suggest you just follow her if you want to win cool stuff like I did!

So now I will have to make you jealous... but don't dispair as you can go to her shop and buy your own Poufik. :)
Look what a cool spot they have:Come closer...I'm so super happy with these! I knew I needed a Poufik! Thanks heaps, Jenya! :)


  1. congrats on the winning! I actually don't dare to take a look at her blog as I am finally figured out how to crochet a granny square.... well about square, hihihihi

  2. Oh man, those scarves look so cozy right now as I stare at the snow coming down in Boston! Thanks for sharing.

  3. *green*
    They are awesome, and look so 'at home' there!

  4. those poufiks are so gorgeous .....

  5. Those are so cute! Lucky girl! Congrats :)

  6. Oh Mitsy! My heart totally melted when I opened your blog just now. You are so sweet and just made my ...year. I am so thrilled that your poufiks look amazingly at home and very stylish. And what a fantastic idea to use those old wooden boxes and book shelves - brilliant!
    You rock! You always do.

  7. Those are fantastic! Congratulations. Jenya's work is amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Nice post and inspiring works! We just started our 3rd etsy shop... it's just too inspiring seing all the beautiful stuff on etsy and just keeping doing my work who has to be done...
    A happy and successful new year!

  9. ooooo, you lucky, lucky girl, I want a poufik tooooo!

  10. Oh I love, love, LOVE her knitting! I would have to say she is one of the people who inspire me most knitting wise. I just want to curl up in all her pieces and take a long nap. And her blog ROCKS!

  11. An excellent article - thanks for sharing.

  12. green from envy!these poufiks are adorable!

  13. Thanks for the tip, I ordered a twisted neckwarmer in apple green ! Really comfy, love it.

  14. Those wooden boxes are so beautiful! and the mix of colous is perfect! Happy week end


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