Thursday, April 1, 2010

My creative space

I'm working on new stuff today. It's a bit messy as you can see.
Paper porcelain clay is not my favorite but it's so nice and white when fired.
I'll also dig into the ceramic clay today 'cause I plan to do lots of stuff with texture, clay slib and oxides. I'm having fun already but won't show too much yet as I don't want to spill the beans.
It will take a while before I can show you the end result though as there are a few firings involved. Patience is a virtue, did you know? :)

Want to show off your creative space? Hop over to Kootoyoo's! It's fun! :)


  1. I know about being patient, but it is just so hard sometimes..... :)

    Have a fine day creating!!!

  2. I love taking a pick into people's working spaces!!!!

  3. Ooo I do love it when your creative space is ceramic-y!

  4. I am really curious of what you pull out of the hat!

  5. Love that we can have a peek to your feet. I love bare feet :)
    Hugs sweetie!

  6. Hmmm sound good!!! =)
    As long as we'll see it eventually - I have my patiance =) Have fun!

  7. It looks like you're having a lot of fun!

  8. I have always wanted to learn how to work with porcelain. Is it hard? Is it something that can be done at home or does it require a kiln? Very curious. I love the feel and look of it.

  9. You always tease with just the right balance of promise and intrigue, Mitsy!! I love your desk shots - just beautiful. Kx

  10. hmm wonder what you will be working on hmm hmm...

  11. You're pretty cheeky today, not revealing too much;) Wanna see what you came up with!

  12. hi Mitsy,
    I just wanted to drop you a note and make sure it was ok that I made up a button to advertise your Tuesday's Mosaic. I used your bunnies as a picture and linked to your site. To see what I did just go to and scroll to the bottom sidebar. I hope you approve, I just thought it needed a button. :o) (btw, if you'd like to grab it or use it, go ahead, and if you do want to use it but want it to say "flickr favorites" that a super easy change, about 2 seconds. Just send me an email or comment! I'd be happy to oblige. You have so many people who would display your button, I'm sure!

  13. There you go, teasing again! That's exactly what I am going to do on my blog tomorrow. See, I am learning from you!

  14. mm patience, i am excited to see your multiple firing works!
    (i have to say i prefer mayo, despite the eews and teasing! i call it my fancy sauce when mixed with katchup ;) good stuff!)


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